Die Martis, 7. Martii, 1642.
IT is this day ordered by the Lords & Commons in Parliament, [...]hat the Lord Major, & Citiz [...]ns of the City of London, for the batter securing and safety of the said City, Suburbs, Parliament, City of Westminster, and Borough of South warke, shall have power to trenth and stop all such high-wayes, and by wa [...]s leading into the said City, as well within as without the Liberties, as they shall because; And shall also have full Power and Authority according to their discretion, [...]o fortifie & intrench the places aforesaid with such out-workes, & in such places as they shall think meét; And for his and their furtherance and Assistance, to call in all or any Deputy Lieutenants, Iustices of the [Page]Peace, Bailiffs, Constables, and other Ministers, Officers, and other his Maiesties loving Subiects to be ayding and assisting, as they will answer the contrary at their perill. And it is further ordered, that the Deputy Lieutenants, and Iustices of P [...]ace for the County of Middlesex, and Surrey, City of Westminster, and Borough of Southwarke, or any thr [...]e or more of them within their severall and respective limits shall have power to impose upon the Inhabitants within the said Trenches and Fortifications, and without the liberties of the said City, towards the charges of fortifiing the said places as aforesaid, upon: every House that shall be let for, or may be valued worth five pound per yeere, sir pence: And for every House of greater rent after the proportion of two pence▪ in the pound, that the T [...]nant of the said House paieth if he hold it at a Racke-rent, or otherwise, after the rate that the said house shall be valued to be worth: Which Assessement shall be forthwith made and collected in all the Parishes, Precincts, and Liberties aforesaid▪ and paid to the [Page]Treasurer chosen, or to be chosen, by the Common Councell of the City of London, to be disbursed as aforesaid, the said money to be paid by the said Tenant or Inhabitant where houses are inhabited, who is to deduct the same out of his next Rent payable to the Land-lords, if it be a Rack-rent, and by the Land-lords where Houses shal stand empty: And it is further ordered, That whereas the Common-Councell of London, have in this time of imminent danger passed an Act for the fortifiing of the City of London, and other places above mentioned. In pursuance whereof a Committee of Common-Councell men and others, are appointed and have already proceéded in the said Fortifications before this Ordinance could be effected, It is hereby declared, that their said pursuance of that Act, and executing the same is a good service to the Common-wealth, and the said parties, & all such Ingeneers or others that shall be imployed by them shall be by power of Parliament saved harmles both for what they have do [...], and shall doe herein for time to come.