Ordered by the Parliament,
THat the Proceedings of the Commissioners for the Militia in the respective Counties, Cities and Places of this Commonwealth, for the Raising of Money, or Charging the people with Horse, Foot or Arms, upon the Act for Setling the Militia in England and Wales, be forborn until the Parliament take further Order. And that the Moneys raised by the Commissioners for the Militia in the said several Counties, Cities and Places, be continued in the Treasurers hands of the said respective Counties, Cities and Places, until the Parliament take further Order. And that the said respective Commissioners for the Militia, do give an Accompt what they have done upon the said Act, or upon any Commission from the Parliament or Councel of State, unto the said Councel of State.
ORdered by the Parliament, That this Order be forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed by JOHN FIELD, Printer to the Parliament.
And are to be sold at the seven Stars in Fleetstreet, over against Dunstans Church, 1659.