An Order of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament: For publishing the Ordinance of Sequestration of the King, Queene, and Princes Revenue.
WHereas the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, upon the 21. day of this instant moneth of September, passed an Ordinance for the seizing and receiving of His Majesties, the Queens and Princes Revenue for the service of the King and Parliament, together with all Arrears thereof, and other Debts any way due to His Majestie, the Queene, or Prince. It is therefore this day Ordered by the said Lords and Commons, That the said Ordinance shall be forthwith published in the severall Counties, and all the Market Towns within the Realme of England, Dominion of Wales, and Port and Towne of Berwick; to the intent that all Farmers, Fee-Farmers, Tenants, Debters, Receivers, and all the Officers and Persons whom it shall concerne may take notice thereof, and conforme themselves thereunto, and pay their Moneys respectively to such Persons and Receivers as are or shall bee appointed by vertue and according to the direction of the said Ordinance, and not to any other person whatsoever, as they will answer the contrary at their perill. And it is further Ordered, That the Deputy-Lieutenants, and Committees of Parliament, or any one of the said Deputy-Lieutenants, or Committees in each severall County, City, or Place within this Realme of England, Dominion of Wales, and Port or Towne of Berwick, are hereby authorized and required to cause the same to be published accordingly.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Order be forthwith printed and published.