AN ORDER OF Both Houses of Parliament, FOR ENCOVRAGEMENT OF VOLVNTIERS Within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, to use and execise in a disciplinable manner under such Commanders, and in such Places as shall be appointed by the Lord Lieutenants, and others according to the Ordinance of Parliament. For which Service they shall have the Authority of both Houses of Parliament for their Indempnity for so doing.
WHereas well-affected Persons within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, may be desirous as Voluntiers, to Exercise themselves in the use of their Arms, by peaceable Training, and marching under the Lord Lieutenants, and others appointed by the Ordinance of Parliament; It is thought fit, and so Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That all such person or persons whatsoever in the severall Counties, Cities, Towns Corporate, and other places within the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales, as shall desire, and willingly submit themselves to be Trained, and Exercised in the use of their Arms under the Lo: Lieutenants, and others of the severall Counties, and Cities of England and Wales, authorised by Ordinance of Parliament, or under such Captains appointed by them may from time to time hereafter in a peaceable and orderly way assemble themselves in companies to Train, and learn to Exercise themselves in the use of their Arms, and order of marching at such convenient times, and in such places as shall be thought fit by their Commanders, or Captains appointed by the Lo: Lieutenants for that purpose, untill other order shall be herein taken by both Houses of Parliament; And that they shall be saved harmlesse for so doing, by the Authority of both the said Houses; And that all Majors, Justices of Peace, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Constables, and other His Majesties Officers, that shall encourage and assist the said persons in the peaceable and quiet Training, and Exercising themselves as aforesaid, shall be held by both Houses of Parliament to have done a very acceptable service therein; And that they, and every of them shall have the Authority of both Houses of Parliament for their indempnity for so doing.
Ordered that this be forthwith Printed.