Die Sabbati, 29. Januarii. 1641.
❧ An Order made by both Houses of Parliament, to prevent the going over of Popish Commanders into Ireland, and also to hinder the trans­portation of Arms, Ammunition, Money, Corne, Victuals, and all other Provision to the Rebels, And for the sending back of the Irish Papists lately come over.

WHereas great numbers of Papists, both English and Irish, some whereof have been, and are Commanders in the Warres; and others, such as have estates in England, have gone out of this Kingdom into Ireland, immediately before and during the barbarous and bloudy Rebellion there, and traiterously joyned themselves with the Rebels of that Nation, against His Majesty, and the Crown of England; And likewise divers other Popish Commanders, and such as have estates in England, are daily preparing to go thither, to the same wicked ends: And great store of Arms, Ammunition, Money, Corne, and other Victuals and Provisions have been sent, and are daily preparing to be sent to that Kingdom, for the assistance and encouragement of those Rebels: For prevention whereof, The Lords and Commons in this present Parliament Assembled, Do hereby Order and straightly charge and command, all Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, and other His Majesties Officers within the Realm of England, and Dominion of Wales; That they appre­hend and examine all such Persons, as they shall suspect to be Papists, and going out of this Kingdom, or the Dominion of Wales into Ireland. And that they make also stay of all Arms, Munition, Money, Corne, and other Victuals and Provisions, which they shall suspect to be preparing for transportation into Ireland, for the ayd and relief of the Rebels there; And to give speedy notice thereof unto the Parliament.

And whereas, Also divers poor People, Men, Women, and Children, of the Irish Nation, and Papists, have lately come in great numbers out of Ireland, into Cornewall, Devon and other parts of this Kingdom, where they have been, and are very disorderly, and much terrifie the Inhabitants where they come, and due care is not taken in all places for the suppressing and punishing of them. The Lords and Commons in this Parliament Assembled, Do hereby further Order and require, all Officers before mentioned, That they put the Laws in due exe­tion against such wandring Irish Papists before expressed, and that they cause them to be forth­with conveyed back into that Kingdom.

This Order was read, and by Vote upon the Question assented unto, and ordered to be fair Written and sent up to the Lords by Master Carew.

Master Carew brings answer, That the Lords do fully agree with the House in this Order.

Hen. Elsing. Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott. 1641.

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