An Order made by both Houses of Parliament, for the bringing in of Corne, Meale, or any other Victuall whatsoever, into the severall Ports of Dublin, Carrickvergus, Yonghall and London-Derry.

WHereas His Majesties Liege People of the Kingdom of Ireland have been much infested through the violent outrages, and oppressions committed on them by the Traiterous practises of the Popish In­habitants within that Kingdom, whereby they are rendered, uncapable of relieving either them­selves, or others, and are exposed to extream want, even of those things which are most necessary, for sustentation of life. For remedy whereof, And that His Majesties forces already sent, and hereafter to be trans­ported thither, may not be exposed to any extremity through want of Victuall, or other necessary Provisions.

It is ordered by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament, That whosoever, either Merchant, or others, shall bring into any of the Ports of Dublin, Carrickvergus, Yonghall, or London-Derry, any proportion of Goods, and wholesome Corne, Meal, or other Victuall, or any other Provision necessary for their sustenance, And deliver the same unto the Victualers, appointed for those severall Parts, at such rates as he, or they shall agree upon, and shall bring Certificates under the hand and Seal of the said Victualers and Treasurer or Vice-Treasurer, or whomsoever he shall appoint therein in the said severall Ports, of the certain summes agreed upon, to be received for the same, That upon delivery of such Certificates unto those Officers which shall be assigned thereunto here in London, the Seller of the said Victuals or other Provisions, or his Assignes shall receive certain and full payment, of such summe or summes of money out of the Chamber of London, as shall appear due upon such Certificate within thirty dayes after the producing the same. Provided alwayes, That the money to be so payed here, or such Certificate for the Victuall and Provision aforesaid, Shall not exceed in the Port of Dublin, ten thousand pounds; in the Port of Car­rickvergus, fifteen thousand pounds; in the Port of Yonghall, five thousand pounds; in the Port of London-Derry, five thousand pounds; untill the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament, shall give further order herein, for the further victualling of these Parts, after such Provision of Victuall brought into those Parts and satisfied for, as is directed by this Ordinance of Parliament.

And the Houses of Parliament are of opinion, and do declare, That if any Person whatsoever shall send, or sup­ply, or cause to be sent, or supplyed to the Rebels in Ireland, or any of them, any Corne, Victuall, Powder, Ammu­nition, Arms, or other Provisions, for, or towards the Assistance, or support of the Rebels, or any of them; such Persons is thereby guilty of high Treason, and thereby forfits his life and Estate.

This Order was read, and by Vote upon the Question assented unto, and Ordered to be fair Written and sent up to the Lords, by Sir John Clotworthy Knight.

Sir John Clotworthy brings answer, That the Lords do fully agree with the House of Commons in this Order.

Ordered (upon the Question) by the House of Commons, That this Ordinance of Parliament shall be Printed.

Hen. Elsing. Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Joseph Hunscott.

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