AN ORDER FROM THE COMMITEE, That Eleven Thousand three Hundred Horse should be conducted by Sir Simon Harecolt into IRELAND. AS ALSO, Letters read in the Parliament, sent from the Mayre of Dublin and other Justices of the Peace, how Tredagl is besieged and Dublin in great feare of the Rebels. As likewise The Spanish Fleet overthrown in the Sea, going to assist the Rebels in Ireland. In a Relation of a great number of Spaniards that were resolved to go into Ireland, and helpe the Rebels to persecute the Protestants there more cruelly. Being the just Judgement of God on those bloudy minded Tyrants, shewing how in a suddaine Tempest they were all Drowned in the devouring Sea. With the Copy of a Letter sent from the Spanish Fleet to the Lord Donmadoffe the Arch-Rebel in Ireland.

London, Printed for WR 1642.

To the Right Honourable, and thrice Noble the Lord Donmadoffe in Clogam in the County of Manahom, &c.

Right Honourable,

THE plausible commendation of your magnanimous courage in prosecution of the Protestant party being oftentimes annunci­ated unto us, have at this time respectively in­duced us to present an auxiliary Army unto your honours gracious acceptance: which is the height of our ambition to obtaine. We have maturely considered of the multiplicitie of the numerous confronts given you heretofore by the Protestants, and of the abusive insultations which they have usurped over you, and sometimes over our selves too: we therefore are resolved to vindicate both our owne cause, and yours: which apparently shall be demonstrated, and sufficiently declared to the Brittish Nation at our first arrivall. My Lord, if your Honour would vouchsafe to con­curre with us in a conjunction of our Armies we doubt not but we shall subvert them at our first salutation, and become so victorious, that we may returne with an Olive branch in our hands. In the meane time what we most implore in our ardent desires is your acceptance of our service: which if you grant, shall be a perfect Type of our ob­sequious opitulation and a sufficient Caractar of our ensuing victory.

An Order from the Committee that 11300 Horse should be conducted by Sir Simon Harecolt. into IRELAND. As also, A Letter read in the Parliament, sent from the Mayer of Doublin and other Justices of the Peace, how Tredagh is besieged, and Doublin in great feare of the Enemy.

THe Committee having maturely and judi­ciously considered of the extreame calami­ty, and great misery which the Prote­stants in Ireland dayly undergoe, by those bloudy and inhumane Tyrants, the Rebels: who have nei­ther mercy nor partiality in them: did forthwith Order, that present and auxiliary ayd should be immediately provided for the assistance of the Protestant party; and they appointed more-over, That Sir Simon Harecolt should conduct eleven thousand and three hundred Horse for the same purpose. For they had diverse Letters directed unto them from the Mayre of Dublin, and other Justices of Peace, intimating, That Tredagh was besieged by the Rebels, and Dublin likewise in great danger of their tyrannicall inhumanity. Their proceedings are so nefariously abominable, that they seeme not onely to be detestable in the [Page]sight of God, but also odious in the eares of Men. And whosoever truely perpends the Afflictions of the Brittish Nation, and what calamity they are involved, cannot but eliciate teares from his heart, were it of a meere Adamantine Composition. Their inhumanity is not terminated in the limi­tation of humane lenity, but has beene so merci­lesse, that the Parliament have respectively beene indued to send them an expedient and necessary auxiliation.


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