An Order for the speedy raising of Money for the Advancing of the Scotch Army.
WHEREAS by the desperate designes and Plots of Papists, Prelates, and other ill-affected persons, there hath beene a most cruell, and unnaturall Warre raised in both the Kingdomes of Ireland, and England, to the almost utter destruction of the Protestants, and their Religion, in the Kingdome of Ireland, and tò the hazzard of the like ruine, both of Religion and Liberty to us and our Posterity, in this Kingdome of England; The which miserable and deplorable condition of both these late flourishing Kingdomes, and the apparent and eminent danger, which upon the ruine of these Islands may ensue to other Reformed Protestant Churches throughout the world. The Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, having taken into serious consideration, and finding no neerer, or speedyer assistance in this their sad condition, than by their Brethren of Scotland; Have thought fit by Commissioners lately sent unto our said Brethren, to invite them to the speedy helpe and deliverance of this bleeding Kingdom, from the cruell and mercilesse proceedings of the common enemy, by their comming into this Kingdome with an Army to that purpose, unto which desire, our said Brethren, as being exceeding sensible of our aforementioned deplorable condition, have expressed both by their owne Commissioners, which they have presently thereupon sent unto us, as also by certaine intelligence from our owne Commissioners that are resident in Scotland, herein fully assented; being now neere unto a readinesse to enter into this Kingdome, with an Army of one and twenty thousand Horse and Foote, with all things necessary, and fit thereunto, for which a supply of Money is most necessary, and without which, they are no wayes able to move with their Army.
Therefore, For the better advancing of this necessary Service, the Ministers of every Parish are required publikely to stirre up their Parishioners thereunto, and the Churchwardens of every Parish to cause an Assembly of the Parishioners to morrow after Sermon in the afternoone, where it is expected that all such who are sensible of the dangers imminent, and desirous that this opportunity which God hath put into our hands, may be improved to the best and most speedy advantage, will subscribe such summes of money, as the necessity of so great a worke doth require, and that upon Monday next (being the ninth of this instant October) by nine of the clocke afore noone, the Churchwardens bring into Goldsmiths hall, the said Subscriptions, and that all such as shall have subscribed, doe on the same day, or very speedily after, bring in, or cause to be brought in, all such summes of money as they have so subscribed, where there are Treasurers appointed to receive, and to give Acquittances for the same; with consideration for the time of the forbearance thereof; For which summes so lent, there shall be the Publicke Faith of both Kingdomes, of England and Scotland given, together with such other security, as shall give content to all true lovers of their Religion and Country.
Let this be read and published, as is desired,