An Order and Ordinance of Parliament, For punishing such of the Trained-Bands, and others, as shall not appear in their Armes upon beat of Drum, and do such service as is requi­red of them for the safety of the Parliament and City.

WHereas many of the Trained Bands and others, listed under severall Colonels and Cap­taines, inhabiting within the Cities of London and VVestminster, and the County of Mid­dlesex, have neglected to make their appearance in Armes to doe such Service by day or night, within the Cities and Liberties aforesaid, and in the Tower of London, as of them hath been required, being lawfully summoned thereunto by beat of Drum, or otherwise for the defence of King and Parliament; the safety of the Cities and Tower of London, with the adjacent parts, in the County of Middlesex: for the Reformation of so great a neg­lect, and for the avoiding of so eminent evils in these dangerous times, that might ensue thereupon; It is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons now Assembled in Parliament, That the Colonels, Captaines, and Lievtenants of the Trained Bands or others in the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs thereof, and the County of Middlesex, may inflict the punishment of two dayes Impri­sonment Two dayes imprison­ment or five shillings Upon such Souldiers as doe not re­pair to their colours, and do their du­ties. without Baile or main-prise, or the mulct of five shillings, for supply of the service, upon such Souldiers under their commands, as shall not repair to their Colours at the time appointed, and doe their duties there, when, and as often as they shall be thereunto required, unlesse they be reasonably ex­cused, and that made knowne to the Captain or other chief Officers; or being come to their colours, shall depart before they be lodged, or being to find Armes for others, shall refuse to provide them, or to deliver them, when, and as often as they shall be thereunto required.

WHereas by an Order of Parliament, of the fourth of Ianuary last, It was ordered that the Colonels, Captains, and Lievtenants of the Trained Bands or others in the Cities of London, and Westmin­ster, and the Suburbs thereof, and the County of Middlesex, might inflict the punishment of two days Imprisoment without Bail or main-prize, or the mulct of five shillings for supply of the Service, up­on such Souldiers under their commands as should not repair to their Colours at the time appointed, and Imprison­ment, mulct of five shil­ling on souldiers that repair not to their Colours. to doe their duties there, when, and as often as they should be thereunto required, unlesse they be rea­sonably excused by their Captain or Lievtenant; Which Order is not onely troublesome, but begets much disaffection betwixt the chief Officers and Souldiers, And therefore it is not so fully executed up­on the Offenders as it ought to be; Therefore it is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons now Assembled in Parliament, That for the better Execution of the foresaid order in every particular branch therein contained, (which every Captain respectively is hereby required to do) every of the said Cap­taines respectively shall elect and appoint, one able person to be Marshall of his Trained Band, who A Marshall to be elected shall by vertue of this Ordinance repair to such Souldiers as his Captain or Lievtenant shal from time to time give him notice of, that have made breach of the foresaid order of the fourth of January, or any part thereof: Which Marshall so elected, shall with a Constable, who is hereby required to assist him and such Constables to assist him. others as he shall call to ayd him, in the name of his Captain, inflict (according to the same Order) the punishment of two dayes imprisonment upon him or them, or the Mulct of five shillings, which he shall Two days imprison­ment or five shillings to be paid the captain, &c. forth with after the Receipt of the same, deliver and pay to his Captaine, to be imployed as by the same order is appointed; And for the pains taken of every such Marshall, and to encourage him the better to perform his office, It is also ordered, that every Captain respectively shall allow unto him the said Mar­shall, out of every five shillings so collected as aforesaid, the sum of twelve pence: And if any such Mar­shall And to in­courage the Marshall 12. pence. shall be found remisse, negligent, or partiall, in not performing the trust in him resposed: It is like­wise ordered, that every Captain may at his pleasure dismisse him from his place, and elect another in his stead, which he shall conceive to be more faithfull to perform the same; Also it is ordered by the Lords Captain may dismisse the Marshal, if remisse. and Commons now Assembled in Parliament, That if any Souldier or Souldiers, Listed under any of the Captains before mentioned, shall in the time of his or their Service, when he or they shal be commanded to do duty, revile, or give any ill beseeming language to the Captain, or other Officers belonging unto Ill language. Souldiers to be commit­ted that neglect duty Captain sa­ved harm­lesse. him, or neglect to doe such duty as at any time ought or shall be imposed upon him, or them, that then the Captain or Lievtenant, may upon the Examination thereof, commit such Souldier or Souldiers as shal so offend to Prison, there to remain 24 houres without Bail or Main-prise; And that every Captain respectively shall be saved harmlesse by the authority of both Houses of Parliament, for executing the severall orders aforesaid or any of them.

  • Io. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum.
  • H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London Printed by Richard Cotes, 1648.

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