Die Lunae, 10. Martii, 1644.
THe Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, taking into their consideration the great distresse and calamity of the Town of Plymouth, Melcomb Regis, and VVeymouth: Order, That the collections on the generall Thanksgiving Day, being the twelfth day of this present moneth of March, be taken and imployed for the Relief of the Widdows, mained Souldiers, and others poor and destitute, in, and of the Towns of Plymouth, VVeymouth, and Melcomb; and commend the same to the charitable and tender compassions of all good men and women; requiring the Ministers in the severall Congregations, to stir up and exhort their Auditors to all readinesse and cheerfulnesse in so good and godly a work: The said Lords and Commons further Order, That the said collections be taken by the severall Church-wardens in the usuall manner, and then delivered and paid to Michaell Herring Merchant, at Goldsmiths Hall, giving his Acquittances for his Receipts; and the said moneys to be disposed of, by the Committee for the safety of the West, for the ends aforesaid: And the said collectors are within seven dayes after their respective Receipts, to give Accompt in writing to the said Michaell Herring, to the end, the same may be speedily imployed as aforesaid. And the Lord Mayor of London is hereby desired to distribute copies hereof accordingly, to the severall Parishes within the Lines of Communication.
- Io: Brown, Cleric. Parliamentorum.
- H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.