Die Mercurii, 19. July, 1643.

THE Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, out of the deep sense of Gods heavy wrath now upon this Kingdome, and more particularly manifested by the late discomfeiture of the Forces, both in the North and in the West; Have for themselves resolved to set apart and keepe, and do ordaine, and command▪ That Friday the 21. of this present July, 1643. be set apart and kept as a day of publique and extra­ordinary humiliation by Prayer and Fasting, throughout the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs, and places adjacent, within the Bils of Mortality; That every soule may bitterly bewaile his owne sinnes, and the sinnes of the whole Nation, And cry mightily to God for Christ his sake, that he will be pleased to turne from the fierce­nesse of his wrath, and heale the Land. And the Lord Mayor of the City of London, is hereby required to give pre­sent order for the due performance of this Order.

To the Gentleman▪ Vsher, or his Deputy, to bee delivered to the Lord Mayor of the City of Lon­don.
Jo. Browne Cleric. Parliamentorum.

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