THe Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, Doe approve of the late Action of the Officers, Souldiers, and Inhabitants of the Borough of Southwarke, and all others that assisted them in joyning with the Army for preservation of the Peace of the Parliament, City, and Kingdome; and that thanks be given them for the said Action: And that Colonell Thompson and Master Snelling that serve in Parliament for the said Borough, doe returne them the thankes of the Houses.
THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament do approve of the late action and proceeding of Colonell Blunt, and all others that assisted him, in joyning with the Army for preservation of the peace of the Parliament, City, and Kingdome, and do give him and them thanks for it.
THe Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament doe approve of the late action of the Committee of the Militia of the County of Herts, in raising the Forces of the said County to joyne with the Army, for preservation of the peace of the Parliament, City, and Kingdome, and do give them thanks for it; And that Master Leman, and Sir Thomas Dacres are appointed to give them thanks.
London printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley. 1647.