A LETTER Sent by order of both Houses of Parliament, to the high Sheriffe of every Shire, concerning matters of great conse­quence.

ALSO An Order of both Houses of Parliament; concerning such persons as are appointed for the gathering of such sums of money in London, as is intended for the reducing of the Rebels in Ireland.

Ordered by both Houses to be printed.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Franke, and are to be sold at his shop next doore to the Kings head in Fleetstreet, 1642.


THe Lords and Oōmons being deeply sensible of the un­speakable calamities, which his Majesties good Subjects of the Kingdome of Ireland doe now suffer by the bar­barous Cruelties, and Massacres of the Rebels there, and conceiving these printed Proposi­tions herewith sent (being ratified by his Ma­jesties Royall Assent, and the unanimous ap­probation of both Houses of Parliament) doe undoubtedly tend, to the speedy and effectuall reducing of those bloody Rebels, the propa­gating of the Protestant Religion, the aug­menting of the greatnesse, and Revenew of the Crowne of England, and the establish­ing of an happy and firme peace for the fu­ture in his Majesties three Kingdomes, And all this to be effected (by Gods gracious assi­stance) without the general charge of the Sub­ject, [Page 2]and to the great advantage of those that shall under-write, have thought fit to re­quire you to publish these printed Propositi­ons and Instructions at this Lent Assizes, to the intent, that all his Majesties good people within your County, may take notice of the benefit they may receive by under-writing in due time, and that so many of them then pre­sent, and willing to subscribe, may give up a note of their names, summes, and Dates of their Subscriptions to you, to be entred in the paper booke, mentioned in the printed Instru­ctions, which is forthwith to bee sent unto you; And you are further directed hereby at this Lent Assizes (if they be not past) by the advise and assistance of the Iustices of peace for your County then present, to appoint cer­taine dayes and places, most convenient for this service, when, and where your selfe, and the Iustices of peace within each division will be present to receive the names, summes, and times of subscription of such of his Majesties well-affected Subjects within your County, as shall not have subscribed at this Lent Assi­zes, their names, summes, and times of sub­scription [Page 3]to be likewise entred in the Paper booke. And if this become to your hands af­ter the Assises; then to appoint such times and places, as may best speed this service.

And further, your selfe and the Iustices of Peace, the Ministers of Gods word, and per­sons of quality within your County, are here­by earnestly desired to shew themselves a­ctive, and exemplary in advancing this great and pious worke, as a service tending so much to the glory of God, the honour and profit of his Majesty, and the peace and tranquilitie of his three Kingdomes for the future.

And you are likewise to informe those that shall under-write, that the act of Parliament (which his Majestie hath promised to passe for the setling of those two Millions and a halfe of Acres) is already in hand, and that the lands are to be divided so indifferently by lot amongst them that under-write, that no one man whatsoever shall have more respect or advantage then another in the division:

And lastly, you are to give a speedy ac­compt to the Parliament of your proceedings [Page 4]and of those that doe really advance this ser­vice; Thus not doubting of your utmost care and diligence herein, wee bid you heartily farewell.

Your lov. Friends.

March 5. 1641.

IT is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that Iohn Warner, Iohn Towes, Thomas Andrews, Aldermen, and Lawrence Halsted Esquire, or any two of them shall receive all such subscrip­tions and summes of monie as shall be subscribed, and paid in according to the printed Propositions made for the speedie reducing of the Rebels of Ire­land, and assented unto by his Majestie and both Houses of Parliament, and are daily to attend that service at the Chamber of London, from eight of the clock till eleven in the forenoon, and from two of the clock till six in the afternoon, and 'tis further ordered, that this order shall be forth­with printed and published.


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