IT is this day Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Booke concerning the enjoyning and tollerating of Sports upon the Lords day, be forthwith Burned by the hand of the Common Hangman in Cheape-side, and other usuall places: And to this pur­pose, the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex respectively, are hereby required to be Assistant to the effectuall Exe­cution of this Order, and see the said Books burnt accor­dingly. And all persons who have any of the said Books in their hands, are hereby required forthwith to deliver them to one of the Sheriffes of London, to be burnt accor­ding to this Order.

John Browne Cler. Parl.
Henry Elsynge Cler. P. D. Com.

THe Sheriffes of London and Middlesex have as­signed Wednesday next the 10 th of this instant May, at twelve of the clock, for the putting in execution of the foresaid Ordinance, and therefore doe require all persons that have any of the Bookes therein mentioned, to bring them in by that time, that they may be burned accordingly.

  • Iohn Langham.
  • Thomas Andrewes.

LONDON: Printed for Thomas Ʋnderhill in Great Woodstreete.

May 9. 1643.

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