[Tudor rose]


[Scottish thistle]

IT is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Deputy-Lieutenants of the se­verall and respective Counties within the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales, that are not Members of the House of Commons, be hereby required and enjoyned to be present at the dayes, and places which are, or shall hereafter be appointed by the Lord-Lieutenants, or their Deputies, for the Training, Mustering, and Exercising of the Inhabitants of the said Counties, according to the authority given unto them by an Or­dinance of both Houses of Parliament. And it is further ordered, That all Deputy-Lieutenants, aswell those that are Members of the House of Commons, as others, shall give such dispatch, by preparing of Warrants, Commissions, or Letters, and subscri­bing of the same as the service shall require; And that such as shall refuse, or neglect so to do, that their Names be certified unto us by their fellow-Deputies, or any one of them that shall or do perform the said service. And it is further declared, That it is the Intention of both Houses, for the better encouragement of so good a work, so much conducing to the safety of His Majesties Person and Kingdoms, That some of their Members at the times and places appointed, or to be appointed for the execution of the said Ordinance, shall be sent down to give their personall atten­dance upon the said service.

Ordered to be Printed:

H. Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold the next door to the Kings-head in Fleet-street. Iune 6. 1642.

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