IT is this day ordered by the Committees of both Houses of Parliament appointed to sit during the Recesse, That good and strong Watches shall be set in all the high wayes within twenty miles of London, and in all Villages upon or neer thereunto, that notice be taken of all loose and disorderly people which do keep in the said high wayes, or lodge in any of the said Villages, that thereupon they may be apprehended, and sent to their severall dwellings, whereof the Iustices of Peace for the Cities of London and Westminster, and of the severall Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Essex, Kent, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Berkshire, are desired to take speciall care, and that it be published by beating of a Drum in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in the Suburbs of the same, that all the Officers and Souldiers of the late disbanded Armie, and all others which cannot give a good accompt of the cause of their stay thereabouts, shall be commanded forthwith to leave the said City and places adjoyning, and to repair to their own home, upon pain of such Imprisonment and other punishments as by the Laws and Statutes of the Land are to be inflicted upon such offenders.
And that all such as do voluntarily desire to passe beyond the Seas in their own persons, shall repair to the Custom house, where Order is taken that they may have Passes delivered unto them.
And all Inn keepers, Alehouse keepers, and others his Majesties Subjects, are required to receive or harbour none in their Houses, but such as they know and will answer for: And if any other resort unto them that are suspicious persons, they shall forthwith give notice to the next Constable, that so they may be apprehended and carried before the next Iustices of Peace, to be examined and disposed of as is formerly directed.
It is further Ordered, That no person whatsoever upon pretence of His Majesties Service, shall be exempted from the Watches and Wards appointed by this Order, but onely for his own person, and is to finde another to serve in his place at his own charge, according to former presidents.
¶ Imprinted at London by Robert Barker, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of John Bill. 1641