Die Martis 26. April. 1642.
IT is Declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the stopping of the Passages between Hull and the Parliament, and the intercepting of Messengers imployed from the Parliament to Hull, or from any that are in the Service of the Parliament, or any Letters whatsoever sent by any, to, or from the Parliament, is a high breach of the Priviledge of Parliament, which by the Lawes of this Kingdom, and the Protestation, we are bound to defend with our Lives and our Fortunes, and to bring the Violater thereof to condigne punishment.
And hereby all Lords Lieutenants, and their Deputies authorised by the Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, all Sheriffs, Iustices, Majors, Bailiffs, Constables, and other Officers whatsoever, are required to give their uttermost Aide and Assistance to all that are imployed in the said Service, for their better and more speedie free and safe Passage: And to apprehend all such as by colour of any Warrant or other Authoritie whatsoever, shall endeavour or go about to hinder any that are imployed about the same, and them to apprehend, and in safe custodie to send up to the Parliament.