The humble PETITION OF The Lords and Commons in PARLIAMENT, Sent to His MAJESTIE at YORK.

Concerning the Removall of His Majesties Arms, Cannon, and Ammunition, in His Magazin at Hull.

And the taking off the Reprive of six condemned Priests, prisoners in Newgate.

With His Majesties Answer thereunto. 14. April. 1642.

YORK: Printed by ROBERT BARKER, Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie: And by the Assignes of JOHN BILL. 1642.

The humble Petition of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament.

Most Gracious Soveraign,

YOur most dutifull and loyall Subjects, the Lords and Com­mons in Parliament Assem­bled, finding the stores of Arms and Ammunition in the Tower of London much diminished, And that the necessitie of Supplies for Your Majesties Kingdom of Ireland (for which they have been issued from thence) daily in­creaseth, And that the occasion for which the Magazin was placed at Hull is now taken away, And considering it will be [Page 2] kept here with lesse charge and more safety, and transported hence with much more convenience for the service of the Kingdom of Ireland;

They therefore humbly pray, That Your Majestie will be graciously pleased to give leave that the said Arms, Cannon, and Ammunition, now in Magazin at Hull, may be removed to the Tower of London, according as shall be directed by both Your Houses of Parliament.

And whereas six Priests, now in New­gate, are condemned to die, and by Your Majestie have been reprived;

They humbly pray Your Majestie to be pleased, that the said Reprive may be taken off, and the said Priests executed ac­cording to Law.

His Majesties Answer to the aforesaid Petition.

WE rather expected (and have done so long) that you should have given Vs an Accompt why a Garison hath been placed in Our Town of Hull, with­out Our consent, and Souldiers billeted there against Law, and ex­presse words of the Petition of Right, then to be moved (for the a­voiding of a needlesse charge you have put on your selves) to give Our consent for the Removall of Our Magazin and Munition (Our own proper goods) upon such gene­rall Reasons as indeed give no sa­tisfaction to Our Iudgement. And since ye have made the busi­nesse [Page 4] of Hull your Argument, We would gladly be informed, Why Our own Inclination (on the ge­nerall Rumour of the Designes of Papists in the Northern parts) was not thought sufficient ground for Vs to put a Person of Honour, Fortune, and unblemished Reputa­tion, into a Town and Fort of Our own, where Our own Magazin lay, and yet the same Rumour be Warrant enough for you to com­mit the same Town and Fort (with­out Our consent) to the hands of Sir John Hotham, with a power un­agreeable to the Law of the Land, or the Liberty of the Subject: And yet of this, in point of Right or Pri­viledge (for sure We are not with­out Priviledge too) We have not all this while complained. And being confident that that place (whatso­ever discourse there is of publique or private instructions to the contra­ry) shall be speedily given vp, if We [Page 5] shall require it, We shalbe contented to dispose Our Munition there (as We have done in other places) for the publique ease and benefit, as vpon particular advice We shall finde convenient, though We cannot think it fit, or consent, that the whole Magazin be removed toge­ther; but when you shall agree up­on such Proportions as shall be held necessary for any particular service, We shall signe such Warrants as shall be agreeable to wisdom and Reason: And if any of them be de­signed for Ulster or Leinster, you know well the conveyance will be more easie and convenient from the place they are now in: Yet We must tell you, That if the Fears are so great from the Papists at home, or of for­reign Force (as is pretended) it seems strange that you make not provision of Arms and Munition, for defence of this Kingdom, rather then seek to carry any more from [Page 6] hence, without some course taken for supply, especially if ye remem­ber your ingagement to Our Scots Subjects, for that proportion of Arms which is contained in your Treaty. We speak not this, as not thinking the sending of Arms to Scotland very necessary, but onely for the way of the Provision; for you know what great quantities We have assigned out of Our severall Stores, which, in due time, We hope, you wil see replenished. For the charge of looking to the Magazin at Hull, as it was undertaken vo­luntarily by you at first, and (to say no more) unnecessarily, so you may free Our good People of that charge, and leave it to Vs, who are the proper Owner of it.

And this, We hope, will give you full satisfaction in this point, and that ye do not, as ye have done in the businesse of the Militia, send this Message out of Complement and [Page 7] Ceremony, resolving to be your own Carvers at last; For We must tell you, if any Attempt or Dire­ction shall be made or given in this Matter, without Our Consent or Approbation, We shall esteem it as an Act of Violence against Vs, and declare it to all the World, as the greatest violation of Our Right, and breach of Our Priviledge.

Concerning the six Priests con­demned; Tis true, they were re­prieved by Our Warrant, being in­formed that they were (by some re­straint) disabled to take the benefit of Our former Proclamation; since that, We have issued out another, for the due execution of the Laws against Papists, and have most so­lemnly promised, In the Word of a King, Never to pardon any Priest (with­out your consent) which shall be found guilty by Law, desiring to banish these, having herewith sent a Warrant to that purpose, if (upon second [Page 8] thoughts) ye do not disapprove thereof. But if you think the exe­cution of these persons so very ne­cessary to the great and pious work of Reformation, We refer it whol­ly to you, declaring hereby, That upon such your resolution signified to the Ministers of Iustice, Our Warrant for their Reprieve is de­termined, and the Law to have the course.

And now let Vs ask you (for We are willing to husband time, and to dispatch as much as may be under one Message; God knows, the di­stractions of this Kingdom wants a present remedy) Will there never be a time to offer to, as well as to aske of Vs? We will propose no more particulars to you, having no luck to please, to be understood by you. Take your own time for what concerns Our particular; But be sure ye have an early speedy care of the Publique (that is) of the onely [Page 9] rule which preserves the Publique, The Law of the Land; Preserve the Dignitie and reverence due to that. 'Twas well said in a speech made by a private person, but published by Order of the House of Commons, this Parliament: It was part of Pyms speech a­gainst the Earle of Strafford. The Law is that which puts a difference betwixt Good and Evill, betwixt Just and Unjust; if you take away the Law all things will fall into a Confusion, every man will become a Law to himself, which, in the depraved condition of humane Nature, must needs produce many great Enormities; Lust will become a Law, and Envy will become a Law, Covetousnesse and Ambition will become Laws, and what Dictates what Decisions such Laws will produce, may easily be discerned. So said that Gentleman, and much more, very well in defence of the Law, and a­gainst Arbitrary power; 'Tis worth looking over and considering. And if the most zealous Defence of true Protestant Profession, & the most re­solved [Page 10] protection of the Law, be the most necessary Duty of a Prince, We cannot beleeve this miserable Distance and Mis-understanding can be long continued betwixt Vs, We having often and earnestly de­clared them to be the chiefest De­sires of Our Soul, and the end and rule of all Our Actions.

For Ireland, We have sufficiently, and (We hope) satisfactorily expres­sed to all Our good Subjects, Our hearty sense of that sad businesse in Our severall Messages in that Ar­gument; but especially in Our last of the eighth of this Moneth, con­cerning Our Resolution for that Service; for the speedy, Honoura­ble, and full performance whereof, We conjure you to yeeld all possible Assistance and present Advice.


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