The Humble ADDRESS Of the Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual & Temporal AND COMMONS In Parliament Assembled, Presented to HIS MAJESTY On the Twenty fourth of February, 1695.


LONDON, Printed by Charles Bill, and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb deceas'd; Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty. 1695.

IT is Ordered by the Lords Spiritual and Tem­poral in Parliament Assembled, That the Address of both Houses, Presented to His Ma­jestly Yesterday, and His Majesties most Gracious Answer thereunto, shall be forthwith Printed and Published.

Matth. Johnson, Cleric' Parliamentor'

The Humble ADDRESS OF THE Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in Parliament Assembled.

WE Your Majesties most Loyal and Dutiful Sub­jects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com­mons in this present Parlia­ment Assembled, Having taken into our Serious Con­sideration what Your Majesty hath been Plea­sed to Communicate to us this Day, think it our Duty, in the First Place, to give Your Ma­jesty most humble Thanks, for having Ac­quainted Your Parliament with the great Dan­ger Your Sacred Person hath been so nearly Exposed to, and the Design of an Invasion from our Enemies Abroad; We heartily Congratulate Your Majesties Happy Preser­vation, and Thankfully Acknowledge the Sig­nal Providence of God in it; and at the same time Declare our Detestation and Abhorrence of so Vilanous and Barbarous a Design. And since the Safety and Welfare of Your Majesties [Page 4]Dominions do so Entirely Depend upon Your Life, we most humbly Beseech Your Ma­jesty to take more than ordinary Care of Your Royal Person, And we take this Occasion to Assure Your Majesty of our utmost Assistance to Defend Your Person and Support Your Go­vernment, against the late King James, and all other Your Enemies both at Home and Abroad; hereby Declaring to all the World, That in Case Your Majesty shall come to any Vio­lent Death (which God forbid) we will Revenge the same upon all Your Enemies and their Adherents; And as an Instance of our Zeal for Your Majesties Service, we will give all possible Dispatch to the Publick Business; And we make it our Desire to Your Majesty, to Sieze and Secure all Persons, Horses and Arms, that Your Majesty may think fit to Apprehend upon this Occasion.

His Majesties most Gracious Answer to the Address of both Houses to this Effect:

My Lords and Gentlemen,

I Thank you heartily for this kind Address; on My Part you may be Assured that I will do all that is within My Power for the Preservation of this Kingdom, to which I have so many Obliga­tions; I will readily Venture my Life for Pre­serving it, and Recommend My Self to the Con­tinuance of your Loyalty and Good Affections.


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