A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in Parliament.
THe Lords and Commons taking into consideration the miserable distractions and calamities with which this whole Kingdome and Nation is now infested, the face and cruell effects of an unnaturall civill Warre, being too visible, and apparent in all the parts thereof, and the power of the Sword so prevailing, as that the publique Iustice of the Kingdome cannot be expected to be administred in a just and indifferent way, but that the Iudges and Ministers thereof may be terrified, and awed by the power of Armed men; And also for preventing of inconveniences, which may happen by assemblies of multitudes of people, in these times of such miserable distractions; Have thought fit to order, and the said Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled doe Ordaine and Declare, That the severall Iudges and Iustices of the Assize, and Nisi-prius and Iustices of Oyer and Terminer, and Goale-delivery, and their Associates, and the Clerkes of Assize, and every of them, of or within any the Counties or Cities of England, and Dominion of Wales, doe forbeare to execute any the said Commissions, or to hold or keepe any Assizes or Goale-delivery, at any time during this Summer vacation; Or to issue any Warrant for summoning the Assizes, within any County in which they shall be appointed Iudges or Iustices; And if they have already issued any, that they forthwith revoke, and recall the same; And herein their ready and perfect obedience is expected and required, as they will answer the contempt and neglect hereof before the Lords and Commons in Parliament.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration shall be forthwith printed and published.
London, Printed for John Wright, in the Old baily, 11 July. 1643.