A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS AND COMMONS ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT, That the Sheriffes of LONDON shall be saved and kept harmelesse by the authority of both Houses, for not publishing some late Messages and Proclamations lately sent them in his Majesties Name.

WHereas divers Proclamations, Writs, and Messages, some under the great Seale, and some under the Privie Signet, have beene di­rected and delivered unto Alderman Langham and Alderman Andrewes, then and yet Sheriffs of the City of London and Countie of Middlesex, Commanding them in his Ma­iesties name to execute the same, which Pro­clamations, Writs and Messages, being contrary to the privi­ledge of Parliament, and some of them conteining matters ten­ding to the Scandall of the procéedings thereof, and to the pre­iudice of the Common-Wealth, were by Order of both or either House of Parliament, forbidden to be executed, And the said Sheriffs in obedience thereunto, according to their duty did for­beare to execute the same, The Lords and Commons doe De­clare, that they well approve of the ready conformity of the said Sheriffs to their commands; And doe further Declare and Or­daine, that the said Sheriffs shall by the authority of both Hou­ses be saved and kept harmelesse from all damages and inconve­niences that shall or can happen unto them for obeying the said Orders, or for any Act or thing they have done or shall doe, in pursuance of the said Order or Orders.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration shall be forthwith Printed and published.

John Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.

March 11. Printed at London for John Wright in the Old-bailey. 1642.

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