A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in Parliament.

Shewing the present Designe now on foot (by vertue of a pretended Commission from His Majesty) for a Cessation of Armes, or Treaty of Peace with the Rebels in Ireland, now they are brought to such a low condition, that they are inforced to devoure and eate one another in some parts of that Kingdome

And by what popish Instruments and Ministers in their councels at the Court, the said designe is and hath been carried on; Persons of great trust, eminent for their affection to religion, and hatred of the Rebels being displaced, and men popishly addicted put in their Offices.

All serving for the better introduction of Popery, and extirpation of the true Protestant religion, in that and other of His Majesties Dominions.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration shall be forthwith printed & published.

J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum.

LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-baily, Octob. 2. 1643.

A DECLARATION OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament.

AS it is evident to all the world that this late horrid rebellion of the Papists in Ireland did, with­out any colour or pretext of pro­vocation professedly and boldly ayme at the destruction of the Pro­testant Religion, the rejecting of the Lawes of England, and the extirpation of the Brittish Inhabitants out of that Kingdome: So it is no lesse manifest, that this Par­liament of England (to whom His Majesty hath left the mannaging of the Warre against those Rebels) hath taken the troubles of Ireland to heart with that resentment and compassion as may evi­dence their zeale to Religion, their love to their distrest Countrey-men, and brethren there, in these [Page 2] times, when the like Iesuiticall practices have cast England into woefull distractions and an unnaturall warre, not withstanding which the reducing of Ire­land hath still béene a chiefe part of the care of this Parliament; And God hath béene pleased to blesse our endeavours with such successe as that those fu­rious bloud-thirsty Papists have beene stopped in the carriere of their cruelty, some part of the Pro­testant Blood which at first was spilt like Water upon the ground, hath beene revenged, their massa­cres, burnings, and famishings, have by a Divine retaliation beene repayd into their bosome; And the Protestant party hath beene erected to that condi­tion of strength and hope, that their enemies are constrained, (distrusting their Forces) to have re­course to their craft and policies; And therefore by their subtill Agents at Court, and their active instruments elsewhere have beene endeavouring now of a long time to make our Armes in Ireland dis­affected to the Parliament, what by occasion of their wants not so readily supplyed as their need requi­red, what by amusing them with these unhappy differences fallen in here betwéene King and peo­ple, labouring by that meanes to divide those For­ces into factions, to the end the maine worke they have in hand might be neglected, which is the prose­cuting of the Warre against the Rebels, so farre brought low in some parts of Ireland, that if they can be deprived of the benefit of this Harvest, they are not likely to sée the next Summer. And there­fore the Rebels finding that notwithstanding the distractions here occasioning the slownesse and scarce­nesse [Page 3] of supplies, yet they themselves are in a farre worse condition, being in want of most things ne­cessary, not onely for the maintaining of a warre, but even of life, the judgement of God being re­markable upon them in this, that as their bloody and treacherous Religion made them inhumanely cruell in shedding the Protestants blood, so now the famine amongst many of them hath made them unnaturally and Caniball-like eate and féede one upon another: Therefore that they may have time to expect from their friends abroad new supplies both of victuall and Amunition, and may without mo­lestation reape the fruit of this Harvest, they have laboured a Treaty for a Cessation, which Project of theirs doth no lesse ayme at the overthrow of the remainder of the Protestants in that Kingdome, then their treacherous taking of Armes at first did intend the destruction of them all; for their Cessation and Hostility, their War and peace are alike to be esteemed of, and with those that neither in peace nor war kéepe any faith, it is best to be in perpetuall defiance: Therefore the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, according to their continued care of that Kingdome of Ireland, doe in a speciall manner take into their consideration the condition thereof, upon this occasion of an intended Cessation, and so much the rather because it is feared that the Protestant forces through want of provisions for their Armyes may at last, it not relieved, be perswaded to admit of this course, in hope thereby to procure some means for their subsisting; as also because there is too much ground to suspect, that if this Cessation should bee agreed [Page 4] unto, they might have opportunity to ioyne with the Popish party here for their greater strengthning: And though it were to have no influence upon this Kingdome, yet the evill Consequences of it are so many and pernitious to Ireland, that this Parlia­ment should betray the trust reposed in them, if they did not declare against this Cessation, and use all meanes in time to make it prove abortive. And there­fore they desire that it may be observed and taken notice of:

First, from whence the counsell and designe of this Cessation ariseth, even from the Rebels and Pa­pists themselves for their owne preservation; for soone after they had missed of their intent, to make themselves absolute Masters of that Kingdome of Ireland by their treacherous surprises; and seeing that this Kingdome did with most Christian and ge­nerous resolutions, undertake the charges of the Warre for the reliefe and recovery of Ireland; Pro­positions were brought over from the Rebels by the Lords Dillon and Tase, at which time they were intercepted and restrained by Order of the House of Commons. After that, they had the boldnesse, even while their hands were still imbrued in the Prote­stants blood, to petition His Majestie that their de­mands might be heard, and for this purpose they ob­tained a Commission to be sent over into Ireland to divers persons of qualitie (whereof some were Papists) to heare, receive, and transmit to His Ma­jestie their Demands, which was done accordingly: and one Master Burke, a notorious pragmatick Irish Papist, was the chiefe Sollicitor in this bu­sinesse. [Page 5] After this, the just revenging God giving daily successe to handfuls of the Protestant Forces against their great numbers; so that by a wonder­full blessing from Heaven they were in most parts put to the worst; Then did they begin to set on foot an Overture for a cessation of Armes; concerning which, what going and comming hath beene be­twéen the Court and the Rebels is very well known; and what Meetings and Treaties have beene held about it in Ireland by warrant of his Maiesties am­ple Commission sent to that effect; and what recep­tion and countenance most pragmatick Papists ne­gotiating the businesse have found at Court, and that those of the State in Dublin, who had so much Religion and Honesty as to disswade the Cessation, were first discountenanced, and at last put out of their places and restrained to prison, as Sir Wil. Parsons one of the Lords Iustices there, Sir John Temple Master of the Rolls, Sir Adam Loftus Vice-Trea­surer of Ireland, and Treasurer at Wars, and Sir Robert Merideth one also of the Councell Table.

Secondly, the Lords and Commons desire it may be observed, That during all these Passages and Negotiations, the Houses of Parliament were never acquainted by the State of Ireland with the Treaty of a Cessation, much lesse was their Advice or Councell demanded, notwithstanding that the care and managing of the War was devolved on them, both by Act of Parliament, and by His Maiesties Commission under the great Seale, To advise, or­der, and dispose of all things concerning the go­vernment [Page 6] and defence of that Kingdome. But the wants of the Army were often represented and com­plained of, whereby with much craft a ground was preparing for the pretext, wherewith now they would cover the Counsels of this Cessation, as if nothing had drawne it on, but the extreame wants of their Armies; whereas it is evident, That the reports of such a Treaty have been (in a great part) the cause of their wants, for thereby the Adventurers were dis-heartened, Contributions were stopped, and by the admittance to Court of the Negotiators of this Cessation, their wicked counsels have had that influence, as to procure the intercepting of much pro­visions which were sent for Ireland, so that Ships going for Ireland with Victuals, and others com­ming from thence with Commodities to exchange for Victuals hade beene taken, not onely by Dunkirkers having his Maiesties Warrant, but also by Eng­lish Ships commanded by Sir John Pennigton un­der his Maiestie. Mr. Davis his ships, and others. And moreover, the Parliament Messengers sent into severall Counties with the Ordinance of Ianuary last for Loanes and Contri­butions, have beene taken and imprisoned, their Mo­ney taken from them, and not one peny either Loane or Contribution hath beene suffered to bee sent in for Ireland from those Counties which were under the power of the Kings Army, while in the meane time the Houses of Parliament by their Ordinances, De­clarations, and Solicitations to the City of Lon­don, and the Counties free from the terrour of the Kings Forces, were still procuring not contemptible aide and releefe for the distresses of Ireland.

[Page 7]3. As the Lords and Commons have reason to Declare against this Plot and designe of a Cessati­on of Armes, as being treated and carried on with­out their advice so also because of the great preju­dice which will thereby redound to the Protestant Religion, and the encouragement and advancement which it will give to the practice of Popery, when these [...] Papists shall by this agreement, continue and set up with more freedome their Ido­latrous Worship, their Popish Superstitions, and Romish abominations in all the places of their com­mand to the dishonouring of God, the grieving of all true Protestant hearts, the disposing of the lawes, of the Crowne of England, and to the provoking of the wrath of a iealous God; as if both Kingdomes had not smarted enough already, for this sin of too much [...] [...]niving at, and tolerating of Antichristian Idolatry, under pretext of civill contracts and poli­tike agreements.

4. In the fourth place they desire it may be ob­served that this Cessation will prove dishonourable to the [...]ublike Faith of this Kingdome, it will elude and make null the Acts and Ordinances of Parlia­ment, made for the forfeiting of the Rebels Lands; at the passing of which Acts, it was, represented, that such a course would drive the Rebells to de­spaire, and it proves so, but otherwayes then was meant, for despairing of their force and courage, they goe about to overcome vs with their craft.

5. Lastly, what shall become of the many poore ex­iled Protestants, turned out of their Estates by this Rebellion, who must now continue begging their [Page 8] bread while the Rebells shall injoy their Lands and houses? and who shall secure the rest of the Prote­stants, that either by their owne courage, industry, and great charges, have kept their possessions, or by the successe of our Armies have beene restored? Can there be any assurance gotten from a perfidious Enemy, of a Cessation from Treachery and breach of agreement, when they shall see a fit time and op­portunity? These and many other Considerations being well weighed, it will appeare evidently that this designe of a Cessation is a deepe Plot layd by the Rebells, and really invented for their owne safe­ty, and falsly pretended to be for the benefit of our Armies.

And whereas the Lords and Commons, have no certaine Information that the Treaty is concluded, but are informed by severall Letters that all the Protestants, as well Inhabitants as Souldiers in that Kingdome, are resolved to withstand that pro­ceeding, and to adventure on the greatest extremities rather then have any sort of Peace with that gene­ration, who have so cruelly in time of Peace mur­dered many thousands of our Country men, and la­boured to extirpate the Protestant Religion from a­mongst them; So they do beleeve, that these rumors of a Cessation were first contrived by the Enemies of our Religion and peace, and by their practises: The Treaty was carried on with much subtility and solicitation, thereby to stop the sending of sup­plies from thence to our Armies, and for the cooling of the affections of those who have already shewed their Zeale to the Weal [...] of Ireland: And therefore [Page 9] the onely meanes to defeate this their policy, & pre­vent the evills intended by it, is to settle a course wherby the Armies of Ireland may be at least fenced against hunger and cold: For which purpose it is desired, that all those who are wel-affected to the Protestant Religion, either in that or this Kingdom, and all those who by their adventures already made, have embarked their particular interests with the publike of that Kingdome, and doe desire a good re­turne of their engagements, would joyne their en­deavours, for obviating of that necessity, which may be made a strong argument to inforce a destructive Cessation of Armes, & that they would not through too much suspition and jealousie of it forbeare the providing of supplies, and so occasion that inconveni­ence which they ought by all meanes to prevent, for by so doing, they will lose all their former paines and charges; and the withholding of provisions now will gaine credit to that calumnie layd against this Kingdome, of neglecting the Armies of Ire­land, and by the continuing of supplies, these Forces will be encouraged to continue the Warre, and so crowne both their worke and ours. And lastly, the Rebels seeing assistance against them still flowing from hence, must needs be out of hope of prosecuting or concluding this their designe. The cry of much Protestant blood, the great indigency of many rui­ned Families, the danger of our Religion almost ex­iled out of that Kingdome, calls for this last Act of Piety, Charity, Iustice, and Policy from us, which being resolved on, Letters are to be dispatched to the severall parts of that Kingdome, to encourage [Page 10] the Commanders & Souldiers upon the aforesaid reasons and assurances, that they may not hearken to such an unjust and deceitfull counsell, and as [...] their prosecuting of the Warre, through Gods bles­sing they have successefully resisted the Rebels cruel­ly, so they may upon this occasion beware they be not over-reached by their craft.

All which the Lords and Commons doe earnest­ly desire, may be seriously taken to heart by all the Kingdome, and that from those other encourage­ments mentioned at large in the Ordinance of the 14 of July last and such as now are offered, a [...] may be taken whereby such a constant weekly [...] tribution may be setled as will supply to the Armies in Ireland, the meere necessities of nature, which may be more punctually and seasonably transmitted unto the severall parts of that Kingdome, ac­cording to their respective wants, that so the benefit and honour of so pious a worke happily begun, and successefully hitherto carried on, may not be lost when so little remaines to be done; and that the fading of a Kingdome, the re-establishing of so many Prote­stant Churches, the re-possessing of so many thou­sand Christians into their Estates, may not be deser­ted and let fall to the ground, for a little more paines and cost.


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