In Commendation of the Inhabitants of the Towne of Manchester, for their valiant resisting the late Lord Strange, and now Earle of Darbie; And to incourage them in their valour which they have shewed for their owne defence, and to endeavour to suppresse or apprehend the said Earle, or any his Complices, assuring them of allowance and payment for all Disbursements or Losses in that Service.

John Browne Clerk Parliament.

WHereas upon credible Information made unto this House, That James late Lord Strange, and now Earl of Darby, heretofore impeached in the name of the House of Commons, and of all the Commons of England, by the name of James Lord Strange, for high Treason, Hath in pursuance of his Trayte­rous Actions, procured divers Papists, and other ill-affected Persons, in a hostile, and Rebellious manner, with Gunnes and other warlick weapons, to make warre upon his Majesties Subjects in the Town of Manchester, in the County Palatine of Lan­caster, and have killed and murthered divers in that Town, and hath rob'd and spoiled di­vers others of his Majesties good Subjects inhabiting neer the same; The Inhabitants whereof with the Christian aid and help of divers well affected Gentlemen, and others of that County, have valiantly resisted the said Earl, and his Complices, and hath thereunto bravely defended themselves and the Town; It is thereupon ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That such Gentlemen, and others, of his Majesties good Subjects who hath already hazarded their lives, and spent of their estates, and all such others as shall hereafter, either with their persons, or purses, give aid unto the Inhabitants of the said Town of Manchester, for their defence, and shall endeavour to suppresse or apprehend the said Earl, or any of his Complices, shall have allowance, and payment made of all such Moneys or other Charge, which they shall expend or disburse in that Service, upon Account made unto the House of Commons: And such their Actions, and endea­vours, are declared to be a Service both agreeable unto the Law of the Land, acceptable to both Houses of Parliament; and beneficiall to the Common-wealth.

John Brown Cler. Parliament.

London: Printed for Tho. Ʋnderhill, at the Bible in Wood-street. 1642.

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