A DECLARATION OF The LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, Fully pardoning divers Officers and Souldiers of Horse who have lately been and still are in mutiny, if they shall returne to their duty before the fifteenth day of this moneth. But if they shall continue in their mutiny, they shal be proceeded against as Traytors, and enemies to the Commonwealth, and are to expect severe punishment: Die Mercurii, 5 Martii. 1644.
THe Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled taking notice that divers inferiour Officers and Souldiers of Horse raised by their Authority have lately beene and still are in disorder and mutiny, refusing to obey commands, which in the example to others may be of great danger to the publique, and by the discipline and rules of warre published is to be punished with death: Neverthelesse the Lords and Commons having had experience of the dutifulnesse and good service heretofore performed by those Officers and Souldiers, of the fruit and reward whereof they are most unwilling those Officers and Souldiers should make themselves uncapable, do therefore hereby declare, That if those Officers and Souldiers, or any of them, doe before the fifteenth day of this instant March returne to their duty, and shall obey the commands of their Officers according to the discipline of warre, and observe such orders and directions as they shall receive from the two Houses of Parliament, or the Committee of both Kingdomes, and from the time of their having notice of this Declaration shall forbeare any plundering or violence upon the Countrey under the protection of the Parliament, That then they shall be and they are hereby fully pardoned and acquitted of this mutiny and disorder. And the Lords and Commons doe further declare their pleasure to be, That they shall forthwith be taken into the like care for pay and all fitting accommodations with the other Officers and Souldiers in their service. But if after the day herein appointed for their returne to their duty they shall still continue in mutiny and disorder, and not submit to the mercy hereby offered, they shall then be proceeded against as Traitors, and enemies to the Common-wealth, and are to expect the seveare punishment due to their demerits.