A Declaration of the Lords and Commons Assembled in PARLIAMENT, For the speedy setting forth of a Fleet of Ships to Sea, for the Defence of the Kingdome.

THe Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, fore-séeing the great inconveniences, Distractions, and Troubles, that must of necessity befall these King­domes of England and Ireland, by the Approaching of Foraigne Forces now in preparation, against the well affected Subiects of both the said Kingdomes, and that the wofull ef­fects thereof doe begin to appeare by the Narrow Seas being already infested, not onely by Sea Rovers, by Commissions from the Rebels in Ireland, but also by Pirats of our own Na­tion, lately come forth of Falmouth in English bottomes, to de­stroy their owne Countrymen, and in all probability to Ioyne with our Foraine Enemies, and so hinder all the good endea­vours of the Parliament for reliefe of distressed Ireland, and in­terrupt all Trade and Commerce in these Seas.

Wherefore the said Lords and Commons for the prevention of these great mischiefes, doe once more Declare and Ordeine, That the Fleet now in Preparation to goe forth, and al things thereunto conducing, may hasten to Sea with all possible Expe­dition; And that for the better encouragement of the Officers, and Seamen, who shall be imployed in the said Fleet, there shall be allowed unto those in the Kings Ships besides their pay, one full third part of all Prizes that they shall take in this their im­ployment, the other two thirds to be reserved to the State; and to those in the Merchants Ships, one full third part for the Of­ficers and Seamen, and another third part to the Owners, in respect of their hazarding their Ships, and the other third part reserved to the State as aforesaid, which divisions are to be ac­cording to the Custome of Men of Warre.

ORdered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration shall be forthwith Printed and published.

John Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.

March 14. Printed at London for John Wright in the Old-bailey. 1642.

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