A DECLARATION OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, For the appeasing and quieting of all unlawfull Tumults and Insurrections in the severall Counties of England and Dominion of Wales.
Die Veneris 2 Septemb. 1642.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration shall be forthwith printed, and afterwards published in all Market-Townes, Parish-Churches, and Chappels, within the Kingdome of England and Dominion of Wales, and especially in the County of Essex.
LONDON, Printed for J. Wright. Septemb. 3. 1642.
Die Veneris 2 Septem. 1642.
A DECLARATION OF THE Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament.
THe Lords and Commons having lately sent Sir Thomas Barrington, and M. Grymston into the County of Essex, for the appeasing and quieting of divers Assemblies of people gathered together in great bodies, who had much damnified the houses, and taken the goods of divers persons without Law or other authority; And having received a report from Sir Thomas Barrington being returned, that the [Page] people upon the first knowledge given them that the Parliament required they should forbeare the searching of any houses for Armes and Ammunition, or the taking goods out of any House otherwise then is or shall be directed by the Parliament, or without the assistance of some of those persons who are by both Houses of Parliament declared that they ought to be present; The people did thereupon presently yeeld obedience and withdraw themselves in a peaceable manner, and as they were required, did make restitution of Plate, Money, and many other goods by them taken from such as were pretended Popish-Recusants, and other malignant persons, and that they had expressed great zeale and forwardnesse to comply with the directions of Parliament for the future. The Lords and Commons doe declare, that they rescent the aforesaid expressions of the people, and their ready obedience, as a testimony of that dutifull affection which they beare to the Parliament, and to the present service of the Kingdome, and doe hereby order and declare, that all persons whosoever, that [Page] have taken either Money, Plate, or any other Goods out of the House or Houses, or from the persons of any whosoever, without the speciall command or Order of both, or either House of Parliament, shall forthwith restore the same to the parties from whom they were taken, or otherwise bee proceeded against, as the Lords and Commons shall further direct upon complaint made, And as both Houses of Parliament have beene, and will be very carefull to preserve the peace of the Kingdome, by disarming of all Recusants, and such others as shall be knowne or justly suspected to be enemies thereunto, and to the pious and good endeavours of this Parliament; And to that purpose have by a Declaration passed by assent of both Houses the three and twentieth of August last, expressed what persons shall be intrusted for the mannaging of that service; They doe thereby further Order and Command, that no person doe presume either alone, or accompanied with others, to breake or violently enter the House of any whosoever, [Page] under colour of pretence of disarming Reculants or other persons pretended to be Enemies to the Peace of the Kingdome, without the particular command of such as are intrusted or deputed by the Parlialiament; And it is further declared, That speciall and speedy care be taken therein, for the security of the Kingdome; and particularly for the County of Essex, from whom they have received so many expressions of their duty to the service of the publique, though the Parliament cannot but let them know, that severall violent actions by some of them unwarrantably committed, are extreamely disallowed; But as the Lords and Commons declare, that they shall be ever ready to give assistance, and protection to all such as shall obey the commands of both, or either Houses of Parliaments, So they do resolve, that they will inflict exemplary punishment on all such according to their severall demerits, as shall be refractory and disobedient to these their commands made known to them; And by all good wayes, and meanes will further [Page] endeavor to bring them to a legall tryall for such their Offences; But for the incouragement of those who have beene forward, and active in the service of the Commonwealth, It is thought fit to give them notice, that those eight Horses taken from Sir Iohn Lucas and brought up to the Parliament by Sir Thomas Barrington and intended by S r. Iohn Lucas for the strengthning of a malignant party, and are delivered by command to the Lord Generall to be by him imployed for the preservation of the kingdome, And the Parliament hath caused the same S r. Iohn Lucas and M. Newcomen to be committed to severall prisons; And it is Resolved that they shall be brought to their severall tryalls and receive such punishment as shall appeare to be just according to their demerits. And like proceedings shall be had against all such as shall be found disturbers of the Peace of that County.