Die Sabbathi, 14. Novemb. 1646.
A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT, For payment of Our Brethren of Scotland Two hundred thousand pounds in maner and form following, and they to depart this Kingdom.

BE it Declared by the Lords and Com­mons in Parliament assembled, That the first One hundred thousand pounds which shall be raised, either by the sale of Bi­shops Lands, or by the credit of the Ordi­nances which are passed for that purpose, shall be paid to Our Brethren of Scotland, upon the marching of their Army and For­ces out of this Kingdom, at such time and place as shall be agreed upon; And the next Fifty thousand pounds so raised, at the end of Three Moneths after the former payment; And Fifty thousand pounds more raised as aforesaid, at the end of Nine Moneths after the first payment: But in case the latter One hundred thousand pounds shall be with more speed procured, the same shall be sooner paid unto them, although there be no ingage­ment for a more speedy payment, then at the times formerly ex­pressed.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith printed and published:

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London: Printed for Edw. Husband, Printer to the Hon ble House of Commons.

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