A DECLARATION OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT: Concerning the reducing of the late Revolted Ships To the obedience of PARLIAMENT.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that this Declaration be forthwith printed and published.
Imprinted at London for John Wright, at the Kings Head in the Old Bailey. 1648.
Die Veneris, 14 Julii, 1648.
IT cannot be unknowne to all men that the Commerce and Navigation of this Kingdom hath been by the blessing of God an especiall meanes of the honour and greatnesse of the English Nation, and that the courage, industry, and fidelity of the English Seamen and Marriners hath been a principall meanes of the increase of the Trade and Commerce of this Kingdome in all the parts of the world; the consideration whereof have caused both Houses of Parliament to have an especiall care unto the Royall Navie, by building many Ships and Frigats, and setting forth and maintaining [Page 2]Fleets, expending in that service the whole revenue of the Customes, (the greatest part whereof in former times was diverted unto other uses) besides other vast summes of Money laid out in that action.
And for the better incouragement of such Marriners as were imployed in the servier of the State, they have much advanced their pay above that which it was formerly, and at the comming in of the Fleets have so carefully provided for them, that they were never discharged from on Board out of Victualls and wages, untill their Moneys were duly paid them, hoping that by these and many other incouragements upon all occasions they would have approved themselves faithfull to the Kingdome in the discharge of the trust reposed in them; but contrary hereunto, the Mariners of severall of the Royall ships set forth in this last Summers Fleet, being by the cunning insinuation of men ill affected to the Peace of this [Page 3]Kingdome seduced, have rreacherously revolted from their duty, and doe still persist in their disobedience, by which horrid and detestable act in breach of their trust, they have much blemished the honour and credit of the Navigation, and Mariners of this Kingdome, and as much as in them lies, betrayed the publique interest and liberties thereof, and retarded those ends of a happy Peace, which the Parliament have ever pursued, and now are more especially imployed in; and although both Houses of Parliament have (after an Act of Indempnity already offered) good reason for to proceed in the reducing of them by force, yet to the end it may appeare that the Parliament doe as much as in them lies, seeke to prevent the effusion of blood, The said Lords and Commons doe hereby Offer and Declare; That if the Seamen, Officers and Commanders on Board the said Ships shall within twenty dayes after publication hereof, or forthwith upon [Page 4]notice given them by the Lord Admirall, or such other Person or Persons as he shall appoint, render themselves, and the Ships, wherein they are to the Parliaments obedience, and bring them into some Port under the command of the Parliament, the persons so submitting shall be indempnified in their persons and estates, any former act of theirs notwithstanding; but if they shall after the said time prefixed expired persist still in their disobedience, then the Houses will proceed to the reducing of them by force, and doubting not of a good successe by the blessing of Almighty God, hoping that every true-hearted English man will contribute his uttermost assistance to this worke, especially the Merchants and Owner of Ships, they being principally Interessed in the consequences thereof, it being to be expected that the Revolters will endeavour to maintaine their defection by rapine and violence, and for the Incouragement of [Page 5]Seamen, to ingage themselves herein, The Lords and Commons doe promise and declare, that such Seamen as shall so ingage and use their best indeavors in this so honourable a worke shall have two moneths wages extraordinary duly paid them, as soone as the said Ships shall be by them reduced and brought into Port▪
And it is lastly Declared, that not only the persons on board the said Ships, who shall notwithstanding this offer of Indempnity stand out, but also all other the Subjects of this Kingdome, and others whatsoever, who shall hereafter joyne with, assist, supply, or any way adhere to them, shall be dealt with and proceeded against as Traitors and Enemies to the Kingdome, and their Estates confiscate; and for the miseries that shall ensue, they will stand charged with the same as guilty of them, and authors of that ruine which will attend them and their posterity.