A DECLARATION OF THE Lords and Commons ASSEMBLED IN PARLIAMENT, Concerning the Kings Majesty, and the State of this Kingdome; Sent to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
Together with a Letter from the Ministers of the Church of England, to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland; concerning the KING, and the Discipline of this NATION.
ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith printed and published.
London, Printed for R. W. 1648.
A DECLARATION OF Both Houses of Parliament, sent to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
THE Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, finding to their great grief, that the distractions of this Kinddom do dayly increase, and that the wicked councell and practise of a malignant party amongst us, if God prevent them not, are like to cast this Nation in bloud and confusion, testifying to all the World how earnestly the desire to avoid a civill War, they have addressud themselves in a humble supplication to his Majesty, [Page 2]for the prevention thereof, a Copy whereof they have [...]hought fit to send to the Nationall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to the intent, that the Church and kingdome, whereunto they are united by so many, and so neare bands, as well spirituall as civill, may see that the like mind [...]s now in them that formerly appeared to be in that Nation.
And that they are as tender of the effusion of Christian bloud on the one side, as they are zealous on the other of due Reformation both in Church and State: in which work, while they were labouring, they have been interrupted by the plots and practises of a malignant party of Papists and other ill-affected persons, especially of the corrupt and dissolute Clergy, by the incitement and instigation of others, whose avarice and ambition being not able to bear the Reformntion endeavoured hy the Parliament, they have laboured (as we can expect little better fruit from trees) to kindle a flame, and raise a combustion within the bowels of this Kingdom, which if by our supplication to his Majesty, it may be preeented, and that according to our earnest desire therein, all force and warlike preparations being laid aside, we may return to a peaceable and Parliamentary proceeding.
Wee do not doubt but by the blessing of God upon our endeavours, wee shall settle matters both in Church and State, to the increase of his Majesties honour and state, the peace and prosperity of this Kingdom, and especially to the glory of God by the advancement of the true Religion, and such a Reformation of the Church, as shall be most agreeable to Gods Word: out of all which there will most undoubtedly result a just, stable, and firm union betwixt the two Kingdoms of England and Scotland, which according [Page]to our Protestation, we shall by all good wayes [...] upon all occasions labour to maintain and preserve.
A Letter sent by the Ministers of the Church of England, to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
WEE received with much joy and satisfaction, the answer of your Generall Assembly, vouchsafed us to our last Letters: some of us in the name of our Brethren, thought it requisite to return our desired thanks.
And we now further think it equall upon this occasion, to make a more publike acknowledgement of such a publike favour. You were then pleased to give us fair grounds, to expect that brotherly advice and endeavours, which the common cause of Christ, and the mutuall interest of the united Nations commands us now againe to ask, if not to challenge. Wee doubt not, but your experience, together with your intelligence, abundantly informs you of our condition, what various administrations of providence we have passed through [Page] [...] betwixt hope and feare, a fit temper for working, the God of all grace enable us to improve it. As our hopes are not such, as may make us secure, so neither doe our feares prevail, to the casting away of our confidence.
Your own late condition, together with this Declaration of our present, may acquaint you with the certain, though subtle authors and tormenters of these our confused conflicts, which we conceive to be the Hierarchial faction, who have no way to peace and safety, but through the trouble of others. Our prayers and endeavours according to our measure have been, and shall be, for the suppressing and rooting up whatsoever wee find so prejudiciall to the establishment of the Kingdom of Christ, and the peace of our Soveraign, And that this Declaration of our selves, may not leave you unsatisfied, wee thinke it requisite further to expresse, that the desire of the most godly and considerable part amongst us, is, that the Presbyterian Government, which hath just and evident foundation, both in the Word of God, and religious reason may be established amongst Us, and that we may agree in one Confession of faith, one directory for Worship, and forme of Government, which things, if they were accomplished, [Page 5]we should much reioyce in our happy subjection to Christ our Head, and desired association with you our beloved Brethren. For the better effecting whereof we thought it necessary, not only to acquaint you, with what our desires are in themselves, but also, to you; that is, that which shall seem most fit to the wisdome of that grave and religious Assembly, may be taken for the furtherance of our endeavours in this kind. This design and desire of ours hath evennesse on the left hand, and dissenting brethren on the right, but we doubt not that as your hearts justifie us that our intentions are right, and such as we conceive tend most directly to the glory of God, and peace of the Churches of the Saints: So (by your brotherly concurrence in the most speedy and effectuall way you can find out) the worke will in gods due time receive a prayed for, and hoped for issue. We shall, not need by any arguments from mutuall, Nationall interest (though we know ye will not overlooke these) to enforce this request, the same bond wherewith we are all united in one Lord Jesus Christ, we are assured, will alone ingage you a faithfull endeavours in this buisinesse.
To him we commit you with these great and important affairs you have in hand.
Be pleased to accept of these, as the expression of the minds of our many godly and faithfull brethren, whose hearts we doubt not of, neither need you, though their hands in regard of the suddennesse of this opportunity, could not he subscribed together with ours, who are.