A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament.
WHereas the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, are informed that by the subtile and malicious practises of a Popish and malignant party, opposite to Gods Cause and the prosperity of this Kingdome, it hath been insinuated and infused into sundry of the Inhabitants of His Maiesties Dominions of Wales, to dis-affect and poyson them against the proceedings of the Parliament, That it was their intention to gratifie our Brethren of Scotland for their assistance in these our extremities drawne upon us by the said Popish and malignant party with the Estates and Lands of the said Inhabitants, which is so absolutely false that it never entred into their thoughts, and consequently needed no refutation: Yet that the Subiects of this Kingdome, inhabiting within the said Dominion of Wales, may receive full and befiting satisfaction, and We and our Brethren of Scotland Vindication against so foule and so barbarous an Aspersion, the said Lords and Commons doe testifie and declare to all persons whatsoever to whom these shall come, That they doe much abhor and detest an Act of such Iniustice and Inhumanity, and that they are so farre from doing any such thing, that if any of the said Inhabitants upon due sense and sorrow for any of their Crimes and Misdemeanours committed against the present Parliament, shall submit and apply themselves by humble Petition to the Parliament, and desire the favour of; and reconciliation to the same, the said Lords and Commons will be thereupon ready to receive any and all such upon such reasonable termes as the wisdome of the Parliament shall thinke in some measure proportionable to the qualities and degrees of their severall Offences, and thereupon yeeld them all such aid and assistance as they shall reasonably desire, and the Parliament be able to afford. Provided alwayes that this shall not extend to any that are excepted from Pardon within the Propositions lately presented to His Maiestie for a safe and well grounded Peace.