A Declaration of the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament.
WHereas by the Ordinance of Parliament for the speedy raysing and levying of Money, for the maintenance of the Army, raised by the Parliament, and other great Affaires of the Commonwealth, by a weekly assessement. It is ordained among other things, that the weekly sum of three hundred pounds, shall be charged, rated, taxed and levied upon the Borough of Southwark, the Parishes of Redrith, Newington-Butts, and Lambeth, as by the said Ordinance may appeare; which sum of three hundred pounds, since reduced to two hundred pounds. And because in common accompt the liberty of the Clink, and the Bankside lying in the Parish of S. Saviours, & the Parish of S. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey, in the County of Surry, are reputed to be within the said Borrough and lie within the limits of the places in the said former Ordinances specified, the same were not in the said former Ordinance particularly named, and expresly set down, whereby some doubt hath bin made, whether the said liberties of the Clink, the Bankeside, and the said Parish of S. Mary Magdalens are within the intent of the said former Ordinance, which occasions the retarding of the assessing and collecting of the said weekly assessements, to the prejudice of the publique affaires of the Common-Wealth; The Lords and Commons doe ordaine and declare, and be it ordained and declared by the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled, That the said liberty of the Clink, and the Bankeside aforesaid, and the said Parish of S. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey and every of them, at the severall times of the making of the said recited Ordinances were, now are, and shall bee reckoned and held to be within the intent and true meaning of the said Ordinance; And that the said two hundred pounds weekly assessement, shall be charged, rated, taxed and levied upon the said Borough of Southwark, the Parishes of Redrith, Newington-Butts and Lambeth, and upon the said liberties of the Clink and the Bankeside, and Parish of S. Mary Magdalens Bermondsey, And that none of the said places or Parishes shall be exempt from the same charge, but shall every of them be contributary thereunto as amply and fully to all intents, constructions, and purposes, as if the same and every of them had bin expressed and set down by name, in the said former Ordinance; Any matter, thing, or cause whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.
Ordered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration shall be forthwith printed and published.
LONDON, Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old-baily, 1643.