BE it Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament Assembled, That John Towse, Thomas Foot, John Kendrick, Thomas Cullum and Symon Edmonds, Esquires, and Aldermen of the Citie of London; John Lamot and Edward Claxton of the Citie of London, Esquires, the present Commissioners of the Excise and New-Impost, in and thorow the whole Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick, shall and may do and execute all and every the Clauses, Articles, and other thing or things, Ordained, Mentioned and Contained in the Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, bearing date the ninth of January, 1643. touching the Excise of Flesh-Victuals and Salt: As also the Ordinance dated the third of August, 1644, entituled, An Ordinance Declaratory, for the better Regulating and Levying of the Excise of Flesh, within the Cities of London and Westminster, Suburbs and Lines of Communication. Which said two Ordinances are hereby Ordained to stand in force, and be managed by the said Commissioners, for one yeer next ensuing the ninth of January, 1644. to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever; who shall receive the like Allowance of six pence in every pound, for the Receipt. And be it further Ordained, That as well all and every the said Commissioners, Deputies and other their Officers, as all and every other person and persons which shall do any thing in execution or performance of this present Ordinance, shall be therein from time to time protected, and saved harmlesse, by the Power and Authority of both Houses of Parliament.
Die Veneris, 6
o Decembris. 1644.
Jo; Browne, Cler. Parliamentorum.
London, Printed by Richard Cotes and John Raworth. 1644.