At the Committee of Lords and Commons, for advance of Money and other Necessaries for the ARMY.
IT is this day Ordered that whereas an Accompt hath beene given unto us, by the Sub-Committee of London, appointed to take the Subscriptions of divers well-affected persons, for Pay-money for Souldiers and Armes, by vertue of an Ordinance of Parliament of the 14. of November last. And in the same Accompt we find that severall Parishes within the Liberties, of London, Suburbes, and places adjoyning, (viz. Fosters Parish, Faiths Parish, Christchurch Parish, Katherine Coleman Parish, and Michael Woodstreet Parish, all within the Walls. as also Bridewell Precinct, Giles Cripplegate, George Southwark, Olaves Southwark, Saviours Southwark, Thomas Southwark, Trinity Minories, being Parishes and places, part of them within the City Freedome, besides Bevis Markes within the Walles, and the Nine out Parishes hereafter mentioned, viz. Clement Danes, Giles in the Fields, James Clarkenwell, Katherine Tower, Leonard Shorditch, Martins in the Fields, Mary White-Chappell, Magdalen Bermondsey, and Savoy Parish) have not yet Subscribed for the purposes aforesaid, These are therefore to require the Church-wardens and Constables of the said Parishes and places, to joyne with such other Persons as are hereunder mentioned, to call a Generall Meeting of the Inhabitants in the respective Parishes and places aforesaid, and to deale effectually with them to Subscribe for the furnishing of Armes and Money for payment of Souldiers for severall moneths ensuing, or during these times of danger, for the preservation and safety of the King, Parliament, City, Suburbes, and places adjacent: And that you repaire to the severall houses and places of abode of such of the said Inhabitants as shall not appeare at such Meeting, as well Freemen as others, and take their Subscriptions for the purposes aforesaid. And that you keepe a Booke or Roll for that purpose▪ And you are further Ordered to give accompt to the said Sub-Committee at Weavers Hall in Basing hallstreet London of the said Subscriptions before the foureteenth day of this instant December. And that you returne the names of the persons refusing. And that you choose a Treasurer among your selves, who shall bring in from time to time, to Weavers Hall aforesaid, your weekely or monethly Collections unto the said Sub-Committee, where you shall have a discharge. And that you follow from time to time the directions of the said Sub-Committee in all things touching the premises. And for repayment of such summes of money as shall be advanced as aforesaid, with interest for the forbearance thereof from the times disbursed, the Lords and Commons in Parliament have ingaged the Publique Faith of the Kingdome. It is likewise Ordered that this be Printed, and sent to the Parishes and places aforesaid.