[blazon or coat of arms]

AN ACT WITH INSTRUCTIONS TO THE Commissioners of the respective Militia's.

BE it Enacted by this present Parliament, That every person Inhabiting or Lodging within the late Lines of Communication, being now within the said late Lines, do on or before Monday the Eighteenth day of August, One thousand six hundred fifty one; and such as Inhabit or Lodge within the said late Lines, not being now in Town, do within Three days after their coming to Town, exhibit and give in a particular in Writing under their Hands, of what Ordnance, Arms or Ammunition he or they have in their possession, or which any other person hath for their use within the said late Lines, and where and in whose Custody the same is, unto the Committees for the Militia of those parts where he Inhabits or Lodg­eth as aforesaid, or unto such person or persons, and at such places as shall be by them respectively appointed, upon the penalty of forfeiting all such Arms as shall not be so discovered, and the double value of them: And that no person aforesaid, do dispose of any such Ordnance, Arms or Am­munition, until the Three and twentieth day of August, One thousand six hundred fifty one, without the leave of the respective Militia's, or any two of them under their Hands, under the like penalty as is aforesaid. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That no person or persons whatsoever, who have been Se­questred, or have been in Arms against the Parliament, or that have not taken the Engagement, or that have appeared in any Action or Design against the Parliament, not being in the Parliaments Service, shall wear about them any Arms whatsoever, from and after the publication hereof, until the First day of October, One thousand six hundred fifty one▪ without special and particular License from the Commissioners of the re­spective Militia's within the respective Counties, or any three or more of them, under penalty of forfeiting such Arms and the sum of Twenty shillings, the one moyety thereof to the poor of that Parish where such per­sons shall be apprehended, and the other moyety to the Informer. And it is further Ordained, That all Housholders within the said late Lines of Communication, that hath or keepeth any Lodgers with them, shall by the Sixteenth day of August, One thousand six hundred fifty one, give in a List of the Names, Sur­name and Conditions of their said Lodgers unto the Committee of the Militia of the places where they In­habit, or unto such as shall be by them appointed to receive the same.

And it is further Enacted and Ordained, That all Masters of Families within the Limits of the late Lines of Communication, do keep their Sons and Men-servants within their Houses or other where at their several Imployments in quiet and peacable order, without tumultuous Meetings together, or any disorderly Actions; And if any of their said Sons or Servants shall depart from their Parents or Masters, and shall continue so withdrawn for the space of twelve hours or above, Their Parents or Masters shall declare the said Departure of their said Sons or Men-servants, to the Committee of the Militia of the place where they do inhabit, and give in to them in writing their Names and Age, under penalty of Sequestration: And for the better putting in Execution of the Premises, the Commissioners of the Militia of the several Counties, Cities and places of this Commonwealth in their several and respective Iurisdictions, are hereby Authori­zed and Required to take care to see this Act put in Execution accordingly; And are hereby Impowered to Examine and make Search concerning all and every the Premises; And if any person shall appear to them by proof upon Oath (which Oath the said Commissioners or any three of them, have hereby power to ad­minister) or Confession of the party, to be an Offender against this Act, they are to Levy all and every the penalties herein contained against the said Offender, according to this present Act: And are further Authorized to Recompence any person or persons who shall make Discoveries to them concerning the Pre­mises, out of the said Forfeitures, as they shall think fit. Provided, That no person shall be Prosecu­ted or Impeached upon this Act, unless he shall be so Impeached within one Moneth after the Offence committed. Provided also, That this Act shall continue until the First day of October, One thousand six hundred fifty and one, and no longer.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

LONDON: Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1651.

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