AN ACT For the Continuance of Judicatories in Scotland.
WHereas the Commissioners of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England, for ordering and managing Affairs in Scotland, by vertue of the Power to them granted, did nominate and appoint several persons to be Commissioners and Visitors of the Universities, Colledges and Schools of Learning; others to be Commissioners for the Administration of Iustice in Causes Criminal and C [...]; and others to be Sheriffs and Commissaries within several Freedoms, limits and places in Scotland: The said respective Commissions so made & granted, to continue and be in force for and until the First day of November, One thousand six hundred fifty two, and no longer. Be it Enacted by this present Parliament, and the Authority thereof, That the said Commissions and every of them, and all Orders and Instructions relating thereunto, and in pursuance thereof, shall be, and are hereby continued, and shall remain and be in full force and vertue until the First day of May, One thousand six hundred fifty three: And that the respective Commissioners therein named, shall do and execute the like matters and things, as they or any of them by vertue of the said Commissions, Orders or Instructions respectively were authorized and enabled unto, the said Commissioners, their Officers and Ministers and every of them, having and receiving for themselves respectively, such Fees, Salaries and Allowances, as they or any of them were authorized to have and receive by vertue of their respective Commissions, or by any Order, Direction or Instruction granted by the said Commissioners of Parliament: And all persons whatsoever concerned in the premises are to take notice hereof, and conform themselves hereunto accordingly.