An ACT For satisfying Lieutenant-Colonel JOHN LILBURN, the sum of One thousand five hundred eighty and three pounds, Eighteen shillings, Four pence; out of the remainder of the Lands of the late Deans and Chapters.

WHereas by an Ordinance of Parliament bearing date the 21 of December, 1648, the sum of 3000 l. was ordained to be paid unto Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn, for and towards his reparations for his cruel sufferings under the barbarous tyrannical Sentences of the late Court of Star-chamber; and for that there remains of the said 3000 l. due and unpaid unto the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn the sum of 1583 l. 18 s. 4 d: The Parliament have resolved that the said sum of 1583 l. 18 s. 4 d. shall be satisfied unto the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn out of the Deans and Chapters Lands at ten yeers purchase in Possession, and according to that proportion for Lands in Reversion, after the sale of so much of the said Lands as will satisfie and pay the several sums of money already charged by Parliament thereupon, and allowed by Parliament to be paid; and after 1200 l. per annum to be setled upon Sir Henry Vane and his heirs.

And whereas by two several Acts of this present Parliament, the one intituled An Act of the Commons of England in Parliament assembled, for the abolishing of Deans, Deans and Chapters, Canons, Prebends, and other Officers and Titles of or belonging to any Cathedral or Collegiate Church or Chappel in England or Wales; and the other intituled An Act with further Instructions to the Trustees, Con­tractors, Treasurers, and Register for the sale of the Lands and Possessions of the late Deans, Deans and Chapters, and for the better and speedy execution of the sormer Acts, Ordinances, and Instructions made concerning the same, divers Mannors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments were vested and setled in Sir John Wollaston Knight, and other Trustees named in the said Acts, and their Heirs, in such sort, and upon such Trusts, and to the said intents and purposes as in the same Acts are respectively mentioned: Be it Enacted by this present Parliament, and the Authority of the same, That the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn shall and may have of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, which by the said Acts, or either of them, were vested or setled, and are yet remaining in the said Trustees, and their Heirs, to the value of 1583 l. 18 s. 4 d, at ten yeers purchase in Possession, according to the present Rents contained in the Surveys, or in Reversion, proportionable to that value, in such course and sort as herein is mentioned to be conveyed to him and his Heirs, or to such other person or persons, and his and their Heirs as he by any Writing under his Hand and Seal shall nominate and appoint; and that without paying any other thing for the same then what is herein appointed to be paid: And that the said Register for the time being, as soon as the moneys which according to such Contracts as have been or shall be made by any five or more of the Con­tractors for sale of the premises, or any of them, and which have been or shall be signed by such who contracted for the purchase thereof, ought to be paid, shall in whole amount to 980000 l. or above, shall under his hand make one Certificate thereof to the said Contractors, and another Certifi­cate thereof to the said Trustees: And that after such Certificate so made, and after so much of the said Lands and Mannors as shall amount to 1200 l. per annum in Possession, or in Reversion proportionably, shall be conveyed unto Sir Henry Vane the younger, Knight, his Heirs or Assignes, according to an Act of this present Parliament; the said Register, upon the request of the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn, or his Heirs shall make forth and signe one or more particular or particulars of such and so much of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments comprised within the said Acts, of which there shall not be any Conveyance before that made by five or more of the said Trustees, or for the purchase whereof there shall not be any Contract before that made, and then in force, as by the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn and his Heirs shall be from time to time desired; so as such of the premises to be comprised in such particular or particulars, whether the same be in Possession or Reversion, or both in Possession and Re­version, do not in the whole, according to the rate of ten yeers purchase hereby directed, exceed the value of 1583 l. 18 s. 4 d. in Possession, or in Re­version proportionably to that value: every of which particulars so made forth, and signed by the Register as aforesaid, shall be rated by five or more of the said Contractors at ten yeers purchase in Possession, and in Reversion proportionably; together with such particulars so rated, being certified or at­tested to the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, under the hands of the said Register, and such five or more of the said Contractors as shall rate such particulars which they are hereby authorized and required to do shall be a sufficient warrant to any five or more of the said Trustees, upon the request of the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn or his Heirs under his or their Hand or Hands, to convey such of the premises as shall be comprised in every such particular to the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn or his Heirs, or to such other person or persons, and his or their Heirs, as the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn or his Heirs, by writing under his or their hand or hands, shall nominate or appoint, without paying any thing for the same other then as aforesaid. And the said Trustees, or any five or more of them, are hereby required and authorized to convey the same accordingly: the said Acts, or either of them, or any thing therein contained to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding: and every such Conveyance shall be taken to be, and is hereby adjudged and declared to be a Sale, within the meaning of the said Acts and either of them. And the said Trustees, and their Heirs, and every of them, from and after the making of every such Conveyance, shall be and are hereby freed and discharged of and from all further Trusts for or concerning such of the premises as shall be comprised in every such Conveyance, and the Rents, Issues, and Profits thereof.

And it is further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid, that all Conveyances, acts and things which shall be had, made done, or executed in pursuance of, or according to the true intent and meaning hereof, shall be valid and effectual in the Law, to all intents and purposes: And that the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn, and all and every other person and persons to whom any such Conveyance aforesaid shall be made, and his and their Heirs and Assignes respectively, shall, from the time of the making of every such Conveyance respectively, have, hold, and enjoy such of the pre­mises as shall be comprised in every such Conveyance, freed and discharged of all Trusts and Accounts whereunto the said Trustees or any of them are or may be liable by vertue of the said Acts, or either of them; and of and from all Suits and Questions that may arise or be moved upon pretence of any under-value; and all other claims and demands whatsoever, saving as in the said Acts, and either of them, is saved; and of and from all incumbrances made by the said Trustees, or any of them: and shall from time to time have, take, and enjoy all such and the like advantages, benefits of Covenants and Conditions broken, Forfeits, Entries and Actions, and all such other and the like liberties benefits, priviledges, advantages, and allowances, as any Purchaser of any of the Mannors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments comprised in the said Acts, or either of them, by vertue of the said Acts, or either of them, or of any other Act or Ordinance of Parliament, may, can, or ought to have take or enjoy: And that the said Register, Contractors, and Trustees, and all others who shall act any thing in the pursuance of this Act, shall observe the like Rules and course in all things not hereby otherwise di­rected, as by the faid Acts, or either of them, are given or directed: And that the said Lieutenant-Colonel John Lilburn, and every other person and per­sons for whom any such particular shall be rated, shall pay to the Register, Contractors, Trustees, and Treasurers, and other Officers for sale of those Lands, such and the like fees and allowances, and in such manner as any Purchasers ought to pay.

Provided nevertheless, that no such particular as aforesaid of any of the premises which are in Lease, shall be made forth till after the end of thirty days next after the return of the Surveys of such premises: within which time, the immediate tenant thereof shall have liberty to contract for the Purchase thereof for ready money; and are to subscribe his or their respective Contracts before the end of the said thirty days.

And it is hereby further enacted, that if any Doubt shall arise upon or by reason of any thing contained in this Act, the same shall from time to time be heard and determined by the Committee of Parliament for removing of Obstructions in the sale of the said Lands: which Committee shall have and exercise such and the like powers in all things concerning any of the premises, as concerning any other of the said Lands are given to them by the said Acts or either of them, or by any Ordinance of Parliament whereunto the same refers: and what Order shall be by them made, shall be ob­served by the said Register, Contractors, and Trustees, and all others whom it may concern.

Hen. Scobel, Cler. Parliament.

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