[blazon or coat of arms]

AN ACT FOR Reviving an Act Impowering JUDGES for Probate of WILLS, and Granting ADMINISTRATIONS.

BE it Enacted by this present Parliament, and the Au­thority thereof, That one Act made this Parliament since the Seventh of May One thousand six hundred fifty nine, Entituled, An Act Impowering Judges for Pro­bate of Wills, and Granting Administrations, is hereby Re­vived, and the Powers and Authorities given by the said Act, shall continue until the Tenth day of October One thousand six hundred fifty nine.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published.

THO. S t NICHOLAS Clerk of the Parliament.

London, Printed by JOHN FIELD, Printer to the Parliament. And are to be sold at the seven Stars in Fleetstreet, over against Dunstans Church, 1659.

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