AN ACT For continuing The Powers of COMMISSIONERS for Compounding,
&c. Advance of Money; And for Indempnity.
BE it Enacted by this present Parliament, and by the Authority of the same, That an Act of Parliament, Entituled, An Act Impowring several Commissioners to put in Execution, all and every the Powers and Authorities heretofore given to the Commissioners for Compounding with Delinquents, and for managing all Estates under Sequestration; And to the Committee for advance of Money, formerly sitting at Haberdashers-Hall; be and is hereby continued, and shall stand, be and continue in full force, until the first day of January, One thousand six hundred fifty and three; And that Samuel Moyer, Arthur Squib, Richard Moor, Josias Berners, Edward Cary, Rice Williams and John Upton, Esqs; or any four of them, be hereby Impowred and Authorized to put in execution the said Act, and all and every the Powers and Authorities in and by the said Act given, and every Clause, Article and thing therein contained.
And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That an Act of Parliament, Entituled, An Act for transferring the Powers of the Commissioners for Indempnity, be and is hereby continued, and shall stand, be and continue in full force, until the said First day of January, One thousand six hundred fifty and three: And that the said Commissioners, or any four or more of them, be hereby impowred and authorized to put in execution the said last Act, and all and every the Powers and Authorities in and by the same Act given, and every Clause, Article and thing therein contained.
ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published.