THE DECLARATION Of the Navie; vvith the Oath taken by all the Officers and Common-men of the same. BEING, The true Copie of a Letter from the Officers of the Navie, to the Commissioners: VVith their Resolutions upon turning out Colonell RAINSBROUGH from being their Commander.
May, 28 th. 1648.


THese are to certifie you that wee the Commanders, and Officers of the Ship Constant Reformation with the rest of the Fleet, have secured the Ships for the service of King and Parliament, and have refused to be under the Com­mand of Colonell Rainsbrough, by reason we conceive him to be a man not wel-affected to the King, Parliament and Kingdome▪ and we do here­by declare unto you, that we have unanimously joyned with the Kentish Gentlemen, in their just Petition to the Parliament, to this purpose following, videlicet.

First, that the Kings Majesty with all expedition be admitted in Safety and Honour, to treate with His two Houses of Parliament.

Secondly, that the Army now under the Command of the Lord Fairfax, to be forthwith disbanded, their Arrears being paid them.

Thirdly, That the known Laws of the Kingdome may be Established and continued, whereby we ought to be Governed and Iudged.

Fourthly, That the Priviledges of Parliament and the Liberty of the Subjects may be preserved.

And to this purpose we have sent our loving Friend Captaine Penrose, with a Letter to the Earle of Warwick, and we are resolved to take in no Commander whatsoever, but such as shall agree and correspond with us in this Petition, and shall resolve to live and dye with us, in the behalfe of King and Parliament, which is the Positive Result of us.

We humbly desire your speedy Answer.
Officers of the constant Reformation.
  • Thomas Lisle, Lievetenant.
  • Andrew Mitchel Boats.
  • James Allen, Gunner.
  • Tho. Best, Carpenter.
Officers of the Swallow.
  • Leonard Harris, Capt.
  • Jo. London, Mr.
  • Nich. Laurence, Lievet.
  • Andr. Iackson, Gunner.
  • Io. Short, Carpenter.
Signed likewise by the Captaine of the Roebuck, Hinde, and severall other Officers of these and other Ships.

VVEE the Officers and Common-men belonging to his Majesties Ships, the Constant Re­formation, the Swallow, the Roebuck, the Hind, &c. Do in the presence of God and this Company, freely, and unconstrainedly declare, That we will with our Lives and Fortunes, and to the utmost of our abilities endeavour to maintaine the Glory of God, the Purity of that Religion which is most agreeable to the Word of God, the Honour, Freedom, and Preservation of His Ma­jesty, the Priviledge of Parliament, and the Liberty of the Subject: So help us God.

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