A Declaration of the Loyall RESOLVTION of the Kingdome of SCOTLAND.

BEING A voluntary Oath by them taken for the Preser­vation of his MAIESTIES Sacred Person, and for the Maintenance of his undoubed Rights and Pri­viledges to his severall Kingdomes.

WITH Their Protestation of severe prosecution against all those that shall attempt, impugne, or by any sinister meanes be Abettors, Coun­cellors, undertakers, or Disturbers of the same.

London, Printed for W. STRETTON. August, 6. 1642.

A generall Band voluntarily made by the good Subjects of the Kings Majesty of Scotland, for the preservation of his High­nesse person, and of his undoubted Right to the Crownes of England and Ireland.

FOrasmuch as the Providence of God hes established King­domes and Monarchies, and hes appointed Kings and Princes to beare rule over the same, repre [...]enting his Divine power in mi­nistration of Iustice to their Subjects, and ho­nouring him by the establishing true and Christian Religion according to his word. In contemplating of which benefits to the redownding of the people by the lawfull authority of the Prince, they are bound to love, reverence and obey, their native Sove­raignes, to procure at their uttermost power, their standing and advancement or estate; To resist and withstand all and whatsoever [Page]practizes or attempts which may be hurtfull to their person or estate; Therefore we un­dersubscrivand the naturall and loyall borne Subjects of this Realme, calling to memory and finding daily before our eyes the great felicity, and inestimable comfort wherewith the most happie and gracious Raigne of our Soverai [...]ne hath inriched us, and [...]he won­derfull q [...]ie [...]nesse wherewith we a [...]e by Gods providence and his Highnesse p [...]udent go­vernment, in so universall troubles of all Eu­rope being blessed, acknowledging our selves most justly bound with our Lives▪ lands, goods, and geere in his defence and safety [...] ­gainst whomsoever, of what Nation, degree or quality soever they be that would direct­ly or indirectly a [...]tempt any harme against his Sacred person or estate; Therefore wee and every one of us conjunctly and s [...]verally in the presence of the Almighty power; By whom Princes rule (whom we call upon, not onely as a me [...]ne but the just avenger of s [...]ke as shall violate and contravene these pres [...]nts) of our owne free motive and will binds and obliseth o [...]r selves ilke one of Us to others, in that bond and holy Society whereby wee [Page]solemnly vow and promise before the great God, with our whole powers, bodies, lives, lands, goods, children, servants, and all that are under our Commandement, truly and faithfully to serve and humbly to obey our said Soveraigne Lord, against all estates, dig­nities and earthly Princes whatsoever, to in­vade and pursue by all manner of hostilitie, aswell by force of Armes, as by all other meanes, all sorts of persons, their Complices, assistants and partaker [...], as shall attempt or undertake, by Deed, Counsell, or consent to any practice that in any respect may tend to the harme of his Majesties most Royall per­son, honour, estate or dignity, and shall never desist from any manner of hostile pursuit of such traiterous. Tyrants, till they, their Coun­cellors, Leaders and partakers be all utterly routed out, to the Example of others upon then spearance of impunity to attempt the like. And because Almighty God amongst other his enestimable Blessi [...]gs which he hath multiplied upon our said Soveraigne Lord, to [...]i [...] glory and our great comfort, hath esta­blished the undoubted Right of the Crowne of England and Ireland [...]o his Majesties most [Page]Royall Person, which notwithstanding divers persons upon frivolous and impertinent pre­tensions, would goe about to impugne con­trary to his Birth-right and the most ancient and allowed Lawes of both the Realmes, whereof we upon our bounden duty to our native Soveraigne, and moved in Conscience to advance the righteous Successour, solemn­ly vow and protest by the name of the great God, not only at our uttermost power and state to maintaine and defend our Soveraigne in his undoubted Right and Title to the Crownes of England and Ireland, againe all o­ther pretendors whatsoever, but likewise shall readily without any drift or excuse up­on whatsoever pretext, bestow our selves, our lives, Children, servants, friends, goods and geere whatsoever, in the pursuit thereof a­gainst whatsoever persons that shall hinder, impugne, or withstand his Majesty or his Heires, in the peaceable injoying or posses­sing of the said Crownes of England and Ire­land, and shall by all forcible meanes take the uttermost revenge upon them, their Leaders, Councellors, partakers or assistants, that by any meanes possible we or any of us can Ex­cogitate [Page]or devise, and never desist till wee have established our dearest Soveraigne, or (in case of his Decease before, which God for­bid) his Heires or Successours in the Royall Kingdome of Jreland, and preacable fruition of the same. And for the more Corroborati­on of this our voluntary Bond and entry in so holy and lawfull a Society, we and every one of us under subscriv [...]nd, confirme the holy Contents thereof by our solemne oathes taken upon the holy Scriptures with this expresse Condition; That none of us shall upon any respect of persons, or cause for feare of danger, or hope of Reward, seperate our selves f om this Condition, nor faile in any part of the premisses during our life-times. And giff we doe the contrary (as God forbid) That wee by our most gracious Soveraigne, his Heires and the rest of our Society, be not onely reputed as perjured persons unworthy to beare Office in any Christien Realme, or civill Common weale, but al [...]o to be prose­cuted as most vilde and detestable Traytors and publike enemies to God, our soveraigne Prince, and na [...]ive Countrey; To the which punishment and paine, wee doe voluntarily [Page]submit our selves and every one of us with­out appellation or reclamation, like as wee are content that these presents be ratified by the State by the next Parliament, and pre­sently inserted and registred in the Bookes of the Councell ad futuram rei memoriam, and that Execution royall may be directed there­upon in forme as afore. In witnesse whereof to this present Band subscrivand with our Hands, our seales of Armes [...]e affixed, &c.


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