A DECLARATION Of the GENTRY of the COUNTY of SALOP, Who were of the late KINGS Party.
WHereas, there is come to our hands, a Declaration of the Gentry of Somerset-Shire, who where of the Late KING'S Party, In these words following; Whereas God, by many Gracious Appearances, hath raised the Hearts of this Nation to a great Confidence, that their Tottering Condition draws neer to an Establishment, by the Resettlement of their Ancient, Iust, and Solid Foundations; We do declare, That in thankfulnesse to our great and good God, we hold our Selves bound to look upon, and with humble Longings to wait for, the Accomplishment of this great work, as the largest National Blessing we are capable of, (being presented to our Hope without Blood and Ruine) And likewise that we set up Pillars in every of our Hearts, to the Honour of his Excellency the Lord General MONCK, who hath not as others, either feared, or affected, the Tyrannical greatnesse of our Oppressors; But as he undertook the Redemption of his Country, with singular Resolution, and hath carried it on hitherto, with Vnparallell'd Prudence, So we do not in the least, doubt, but that by the good hand of God, he will perfect it with Shining and Glorious Sincerity. And because we find (as we hope) the last Engine of the Enemies of our Peace, now set on work, for embroyling of the Spirits of the well meaning people of England, by Suggesting an unchristian Inclination remaining in us, of waiting Opportunities of Revenge, We do here in the sight of God, and to all the World disown, and abhor all Animositie and Revengeful Remembrance of Sides and Parties in the late War, And do promise and resolve to Cooperate within our Sphere, towards the Publick Settlement with such Faithfulnesse and Constancy, as neither to occasion or entertain the least Iealousie, upon the Accompt of any past difference whatsoever, fully resolving to submit to the Determination of the Parliament both in Ecclesiastical and Civil Affairs, which we hope will Remove all occasion of Iealousie and Distinction for the Future.
- Francis Lord Newport
- Christopher Roper Esq
- Sir Tho. Edwards Baronet
- Sir Will. Owen Knight
- Sir Rich. Prince Knight
- Sir Jo. Weld Junior
- Summerset Fox
- Richard Screuen
- Francis Thornes
- Charles Baldwyn
- James Lacon
- Robert Sandford
- John Blodwell
- Tho. Acton
- Tho. Smalman
- Edward Lloyd
- Will. Owen
- Jo. Straingewaies
- Tho. Owen
- Arthur Weaver
- Edw. Owen
- Will. Owen
- Will. Montgomery.