WEE the GENTRY, MINISTERS, and FREE-HOLDERS of the County and Citty of Lincolne, being truly sensible of our Misseries and Greivances, namely the sad consequents of intestine WARRE, the feare of Invasion from abroad, at this time of our Distractions and Divisions both in Church and State, the violent alteration of GOVERNMENT, the heavy imposition of unheard of TAXES; All which of late Yeares hath ruined our TRADE, and impover­ished the whole Nation, and are all occasioned by reason of the many Violences and Breaches made upon our known established Lawes and Fundamentall Liberties, Doe therefore humbly propose and declare (having first met and consulted, as other Coun­tryes have done) that the onely remedy for our said Greivances, will be for A Free Full PARLIAMENT, speedily to be called and assembled, to sit according to our said knowne established Lawes, wherein the Free Votes of all Free People of this Nation might be included, Since that such onely have a leagall Capacity to enact Lawes and Statutes that may equally bind all the free people of this Nation; And therefore if any persons (how ever impowered) not having the authority of such a PARLIAMENT: shall take upon them to lay impositions upon the sree people of this Common-wealth, or to prescribe or enjoyne any Limitations, Restrictions or Quallifications whatsoever not formerly agreed upon in full PARLIAMENT. We do declare our selves not obleiged thereto, as being destructive to the freedome and un­doubted priviledges of PARLIAMENT.

Printed for H. M. at the Princes Armes in Chancery-lane, 1659.

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