A DECLARATION FROM The Right Honourable, the Lord Major, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of LONDON, Presented to His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, IN Behalfe of the whole City ingenerall; concerning the present marching in of the Army under his Excellencies Command. ALSO, The gallant Answer of His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, touching the Honourable City of LONDON. Likewise the Articles of the Treaty, agreed upon betwixt the CITY and the ARMIE.
Imprinted at London, for Richard Hatfield, 1647.
ARTICLES OF THE TREATY AGREED Upon betwixt His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Commissioners for the City of London.
HIs Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, being advanced neer the City of London, with a gallant and puissant Army, occasioned by the late disturbances, and tumultuous Risings of divers dis-affected persons within this City, sent severall Messages to the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common-Councell, for a speedy composall of all [Page]things in love, for the preservation and safety of this famous City, and for the preventing of a second Warre.
Whereupon the Right Honourable the Lord Major, together with the Aldermen, and Common-councell of the said City, seriously consulting and debating thereupon, after some time spent in debate thereof, resolved to send Commissioners to his Excellency, to treat with him, and his Councell of Warre, which was accordingly done, and the said Commissioners dispatched away, insomuch that there began a happy treaty, and after two or three dayes spent in consultation concerning the great and weighty affaires of the Kingdom, the fourth day produced happy tydings of a peace, all things being agreed upon betwixt the City and the Army, which Agreement, or Articles, ware to this effect, viz.
1. That the Forces and Ordnance bee forthwith drawn off from the Fortifications and Bulwarks about the Lines of Communication.
2. That a speedy course may be taken for [Page]the quitting of all Forts on Southwark side, which are not as yet in the possession of the Forces under command of his Excellencie.
3. That Giles Fort, the two Forts at Foxe-Hall, and the rest of the Forts down to the Water side, be surrendred to his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, or any other whom hee shall please to appoint.
All which particulars were agreed upon, and assented to by the Right Honorable the Lord Mayor of London, as appeares by the ensuing Declaration (or Message) sent from his Lordship to his Excellency.
A Copy of the said Declaration followeth:
Whereas, wee understand your Excellencies and your Honourable Councell of Warre, their expectation to be possessed of all Forts from Giles Fort, and that to be one, downe unto the River side by six of the clocke this Evening. And we take notice for what reasons your Excellency is led to insist thereupon.
For our parts, that we may manifest how ready we are to comply with all things which may beget a good understanding, wee have readily consented thereunto, as far as the Cognizance thereof belongs to this Court, and have given directions accordingly [Page]to the Committee of the Militia, for drawing off all Forces and Ordnance; unto which work they do now instantly apply themselvs, and we are confident your Excellency will find performance accordingly. The Committee of Militia will also give Order for quitting such Forts on Southwark side, as are not as yet in possession of your Forces.
And now next unto Almighty God we doe rely upon your Excellencies honourable word for our safety, and to be protected from all violence of the Souldiery.
The Answer of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, to the aforesaid Declaration.
I Am very glad to finde so ready a complyance in answer to my last desire sent to the Common Councell, and have accordingly given Order for three Regiments of Foot, and two of Horse, to possesse those Forts you mention in your last, and to lye thereabouts; I am with the rest of the Army marched up to Hammersmith, in order to the security of the Lords and Commons, who I suppose will to morrow sit in parlament, the preserving of their priviledges, and securing them from violence, that with freedome they may sit to discharge their [Page]trusts, hath beene the cause of my neere approach to your City. And whereas you are pleased to expresse your hopes of preservation from violence, you may be confident nothing shall passe from this army, but what shall be for the safety of your City, and I doubt not, though some disaffected persons to the peace of this Kingdome have endeavoured to beget a misunderstanding betweene this army and the City, hoping thereby to embroyle this Kingdom in new troubles; yet that this army will alwayes so behave themselves as to witnesse to the world the integrity of their hearts, in having no other design, but the quiet and happy settlement of a firme and lasting peace, wherein both the whole Kingdom, and your City in particular, will have cause to rejoyce in the goodnesse of God; the accomplishment whereof, will truly glad the hearts of this army, and in particular, of
His Excellency Sir T. Fairfax his Forces entred the West parts of the city; & at the time of their coming to the Forts a Declaration was published in the city to this purpose.
That the late pernitious Engagement set on foot in the city, & much more the prodigious violence done to both houses of Parl. rendred their former way of treaty meerly vain & hopelesse, till the Parl. be vind cated & restored to a condition of freedom: they therefore thought good to make a publike tender of the heads of certain Proposals.
That the things hereafter proposed being provided for by this Parl.) a certain time may be set for the ending of this Parl. That a Biennial parl may be called, each bienniall Parl to sit 120 dayes, and afterwards to be adjorned by the King and no Parl. to sit above 240 dayes. That liberty be given to members to enter their dissenting voices in the house & judiciall power cleered the right and liberty of the Commons of England cleered, and no judgment against them by the Peers, without the concurrence of the Commons. That the Militia both by Sea & Land for ten yeares be disposed by the Parl. no person that hath bin in hostility against the Parl. shall bear any Office during 5 yeares. That an Act bee made for restraining of Peeres made since the 21. of May, 1642. An Act for making voyd all Declarations against the Parl. making void all Grants, consiring the treaty with Scotland. That the way may be cleer for petitions, the Excise taken off in convenient time, the rules and course of Law reduced & reformed, & none inforced to answer to accuse themselves, &c. The large power of Committees taken away, and provision made for payment of the Arrears of all that have served the State. Its said all that is due this way comes to 1100000. l. but that it is desired, that this summe should bee raised onely out of a generall taxe through the City, is not true.