A DECLARTION And Protest of the Lords, Knights and Gentlemen In the Counties of CHESTER SALOP STAFFORD, &c.
Against all Assemblies which impose Taxes upon the People without their consent by their Representatives in a Full, Free and Legall PARLIAMENT.

HAving, with great trouble, observed the grievances of the People in these late Re­volutions, and being encouraged by the common consent of this Nation (seccond­ing our late endeavours) in their frequent Addresses unto his Excellency the Lord Generall Monck, We have consulted, and thereupon, with them, do declare our Protest against all Powers or Assemblies whatsoever, who impose Taxes upon the People, without their consent by their Representatives, duely elected in a Full, Free and Legal Parliament; And that any should seem to countenance that force put upon the Parliament (now called the secluded Members) in the year 1648. by Cromwell and his Conspirators, seemes unreasonable unto us, in that they have publickly disowned the like force since put upon themselves as unlawful: Therefore how the Minor part of National Councils can exclude the Major (which was ever acknowledged the whole) we leave to the consideration of all sober men, and say, That the People ought not to be limitted in their Elections, by unheard of Qualifications, contrary to the known Lawes of England: neither that the Members so Elected or forcibly Secluded, should be de­barr'd the discharge of their Trust, by any previous Oathes or Engagements whatsoever; for that they were the first Assertors of our Rights and Freedome of Parliaments, unto which they bound themselves (the Nations complying) by Solemne Leagues and Covenants) not to destroy, but to preserve) The breach of which by others we finde hath brought these Calamities upon us, all which we hope will be call'd to remembrance, and repented of, as becometh Christians, that at last the Nations may have peace and be setled.

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Poole, 1659.

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