THE DECLARATION AND PROPOSALS Of the Citizens of LONDON, CONCERNING The Lord Generall Fairfax, and the Armies entring, and quartering within the VVals of the said City; and the promise and Protestation of the Common-Councell thereupon.
WITH The Answer and Resolution of His Excellency to the said Declaration and Proposals; Sent to the Right Honorable, the Lord Major, and Court of Aldermen.
AND His Excellencies further Desires and Declaration touching the said City, and the Excize Office.
Signed, T. FAIRFAX.
TOGETHER, VVith the Proposals of the Army, concerning Major Gen. Brown, and the impeached Members now under restraint; presented to the House of Commons by Col. VVhaley. And the Answer of the House thereunto.
Published by Authority.
LONDON, Princed for JOHN WOOLRIDGE, 1648.
THE DECLARATION Of the Citizens of LONDON TO The Lord Generall Fairfax, and their Propositions touching the Army.
THe Lord Major, Aldermen, and Common councel having seriously debated the desires of his Excellency the Lord Gen. Fairfax (in order to the acommodation of the Army) upon mature deliberation thereon, made choise of a Committee, to represent and declare the sense and proposals of the Citizens of London, to his Excellency, a copy whereof followeth, viz. 1 That the City for their security of 40000 l. desired, may have all the arrears upon any assesments made for this army within London, and [Page 2]the Liberties thereof, which did g [...]ow due to be paid before the 25. of March last, freed from all ingagements. 2 And of those arreares all that money paid into the Treasury sinde the 30. of Novemb. last, to be accounted part of the 40000. desired. And that with the money received out uf Weavers hall, and the 5500. l lately received of the Treasurers, the rest shall be paid on Munday next. 3 That a Common-councel have undertaken to discharge the Generals ingagements concerning the money taken out of Weavers Hall, to pay the same thither out of the said arrears. 4 That the Common councel hath promised to get in the rest of their arrears, and also to make the new assesments for the sixe moneths ending Michaelmas last, and to collect the same withall expedition. 5 And upon thls ingagement they doe humbly pray, that the army may this night be withdrawn out of the City and Liberties thereof, according to the intimation of col. VVhaley, and col. Thomlinson.
Guild Hal, London, 9 Decem. 1648.
His Excellencies Answer to the said Declaration and Proposals.
I Have perused your paper, and I find the point of security hath much troubled you and us, whereby we are yet without our money, and necessities daily grow upon us. To prevent which and to make things cleer (which I do not conceive your papers do) I desire that you will within 14. daye, or sooner if you please cause all the money charged upon the City of London for the Army until the 25. of March next, and in arrear. This being done, I shal both repay the Money from VVeavers Hall, and withdraw all the Forces from the City, the continuance of which in the City in the mean time, wil (I conceive) facilitate your work in collecting your said monies.
The Lord Generals Declaratson to the City.
HAving sent so often to you for the arreares due from the City, and desired sums of money to be advanced by you, far short of the sums due from you, yet I have been delayed and denied, to the hazard of the army, and the prejudice of others in the Suburbs upon whom they are quartered; wherefore I thought fit to send to seize the said Tresuries, and to send some forces into the City to quarter there untill I may be satisfied the Arrears due unto the Army: and if this seem strange unto you, 'tis no lesse then that our forces have been ordered to do by the Parl. in the severall Counties of the Kingdome where assesments have not bin paid, and there to continue untill they have bin paid: and here give me leave to tell you, the Counties of the kingdom have born free quarter, and that in a great measure, for want of your paying your Arrears equally with them; wherfore, these wayes if they dislike you, yet they are meerly long of your selves, and are of as great regret to me and to the Army as your selves, we wishing not only the good and prosperity of your City, but that things may be so carried towards you, as may give no cause of jealousie: I thought fit to let you know, that if you shall take a speedy course to supply us with 40000. l. forthwith, according to my former Desire, and provide speedily what also is in Arrear, I shall not only cause the monies in the Treasuries to bee not made use of, but leave them to be disposed of as right they might, and also cause my Forces to be withdrawn from being in any sort troublesome or chargable to the City; And let the world iudge whether this be not just and equal dealing with you. I rest, My Lord,
The Armies Impeachment.
THat whereas Denzil Hollis Esq; Lionel Copley Esq; Maj. Gen. Massy, and others of your members, were in the year 1647. impeached by your selves for treason, or for high crimes and misdemeanours, in relation to the treasonable Engagement of the city of London, &c. and upon cleer proofs against them, were by your censure expelled the House; yet by the prevalency of their Faction the same persons were afterwards readmitted to sit in the House, and vote as formerly, without any tryall or satisfaction in the things whereof they were accused: We demand that all those members so impeached may be forthwith secured, to be brought to justice or tryal for their said crims, and that such others of their faction, may be secluded from the House, &c.
That whereas by the confederacy of Major Gen. Browne (now Sheriff of London) with the said impeached members, and others, the Scots were invited and drawn in to invade this Kingdom the last Summer, insomuch as when upon the actuall Invasion the House proceeded to declare them enemies, and those that adhered to them traytors; yet the said confederates and other treacherous members (to the number of ninety and odd, as upon the division of the House appeared) did by their Councels and Votes endeavour to hinder the house from declaring against their confederate invaeers; We desire, that the said M. G. Brown may bee also secured and brought to judgment, and that the rest of the ninety and odd persons dissenting in the said vote, may bee excluded the house, and not trusted further in your Councels.
That whereas in a continued Series of your proceedings for many moneths together, we have seen the prevalence of [Page 5]the same treacherous, corupt, and divided councels, through factions and private interests, and in their late Votes declaring the Kings past concessions to be a ground for the house to proceed upon for the settlement of the peace of t [...]e kingdom▪ notwithstanding the visible insufficiency and defects of them in things essentially concerning the publike interest & liberties of the Kingdome
That such as by faithfulnesse have retained their trust, being set in a condition to pursue and perform the same, without such interruptions, diversions and depravations of councels, as formerly, We shall desire and hope you will speedily nnd vigorously proceed, 1 To take order for the execution of Justice, 2 To set a short period to your own power, 3 To provide for a speedy succession of equall Representatives, according to our late Remonstrance, wherein differences in the kingdom may be ended, and we and others may comfortably acquiese; as (for our parts) we hereby ingage, and assure you we shall.
Col. Pride having received Orders from the Generall, to secure a certain number of the Parliament, on Wednesday last marched with his Regiment to Westminster, and took divers of them into custody, viz. Sir William VValler, Major Gen. Massey, Sir Benjamin Rudyard, Col. Hollis, Col. Fines, and about 30 more, who are committed to safe custody, and whether they shall have their inlargment upon paroll, or be continued prisoners▪ is uncertain.
A Declaration from his Excellency the Lord Gen. Fairfax concerning the Excize, and the Citizens of London.
VVHereas upon the 8. of this instant moneth, a party of Horse and Foot came to the Excize Office in Broadstreet, which perhaps will occasion some to think the Army came thither with a purpose to interrupt any more levying of the Excive; These are to declare, and assure them, that the said Forces came thither by a mistake, and that there was not any intentions to give interruption unto the due levying of the Excize, or to seize upon any money in Cash; and that you may proceed as formerly, according to those Ordinances, and Orders of Parliament, which you have received concerning the same.
Severall Proposals have been presented to the House of Commons, by Col. VVhaley, in the name of the Officers and Souldiers of the Army in order to an impeachment against Major Gen. Brown, and divers other Members now under restraint: Whereupon the House ordered that a Committee should be appointed to treat with his Excellency, concerning the said Members.