AN EXACT HISTORY of the several Changes of GOVERNMENT IN England, From the horrid Murther of King CHARLES I. to the happy Restauration of King CHARLES II. WITH The Renowned Actions OF General MONCK. Being the second Part of Florus Anglicus, by J.D. Gent.

London, Printed for Simon Miller at the Starre in S t Paul's Church-yard, 1660.

ENGLAND'S CONFUSION During its Interregnum.

A General View of the various Governments in England since the Murther of Charles the first,

  • 1. England Govern'd by Oligarchy, from 1648. to 1653.
  • 2. Under Oliver Protector, the grand Ty­rant, from 1653. to 1658.
  • 3. Under Richard not above seven Moneths.
  • 4. Under Fleetwood, Lambert, Vane, Haselrig, and the Rump of the Long Parliament.
  • Lastly, The Actions of Re­nowned General Monck, the chiefest Instrument under God of restoring his Sacred Majesty Charles the second to his Crown and Kingdoms.



I Doe here present thee with a true, though unparal­lel'd History of all the several Revolutions of Government in Eng­land, for the space of twelve [Page]years, since the Martyrdom of our Gracious Sovereigne Charles the First of ever blessed memory, exe­crably murthered to make way for the Usurpation of ambitious Cromwell; who after some time took the Office of Supreame Magistrate upon himself, and kept it during his Life by Tyranny and Oppression; when summon­ed by Death, he bequeathed it to his Eldest Sonne Richard, [Page]who either by cowardize or folly, permitted himselfe to be sup­planted by his neer Relations. When in stead of one Ʋsurper, England groan'd under an Athenian tyranny, and from that to worse, till at last such a horrid, dismal blackness had overcast the whole Kingdom (the Sword being drawn at one blow to cut off Magistracy and Mini­stry) that it had been utterly destroyed, had not Almighty [Page]God raised up that great, and ever to be Renowned to all poste­rity General Monck, the chief Instrument appointed by the Great God for the redemption of poor England from bloo­dy and violent men, by resto­ring a Free-Parliament (the undoubted birthright of every English man) and hath like­wise, as in duty bound (by Gods blessing) setled us under the Lawfull and happy Govern­ment of our dread Sovereign [Page]Lord King Charles the se­cond, whom God hath so miraculously preserved from the jaws of his blood-thirsty enemies, and reserved him to this present time, that England might once again enjoy her pri­mitive beauty and lustre; and have her Kings as at the first, and her Coun­sellours as at the begin­ning.

Since then we are through all these miseries, revolutions and [Page]changes, by Divine Providence restored to a settlement: Let it be the care of every English man, as it is my hearty wish, that we fall no more into those snares, which formerly en­trapped us, but unani­mously resolve our selves into a constant Duty and Allegi­ance to our Sovereigne Lord the King: For thus and thus only can we flourish.

J. D.

Courteous Reader, These Books follow­ing, are printed for Simon Miller, and Sold by him at the Starre in St. Paul's Church-yard.

Small Folio.
  • DOctor Lightfoot his Harmony on the New Testament, which will shortly be re-printed with large Additions.
  • The civil Wars of Spain in the Reigne of Charls the fifth, Emperor of Germany, and King of that Nation, wherin our late unhappy differences are paralleled in many particulars.
  • A general History of Scotland, from the year 767 to the death of K James, &c. By David Hume of Godscroft.
  • The History of this I­ron Age.
  • M r Paul Baine on the E­phesians
  • Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art and Nature, by John Wecker D. in Phys.
  • The Queen of Arragon, a Play: In fol.
In Quarto large.
  • Jo. Barklay his Argenis, Translated by Sir Robert le Grise Knight, by his Late Majesties special Command.
Quarto Small.
  • An Eperimental Treatise of Surgery, by Felix Wortz.
  • Abraham's Faith, or the good Old Religion, &c. By John Nicholson Minister of the Gospel.
  • The Anatomy of Mor­tality: By George Stroad.
  • Three Treatises: 1 The Conversion of Nineveh, touching Prayer and Fast­ing. 2. Gods Trumpet sounding to Repentance. 3. Sovereigne preservatives against distrustful thoughts and cares: By Will. Attersoll Minister of Gods Word at Iefield in Sussex.
  • [Page] Aynsworth on the Cantic.
  • Paul Baine, his Diocesans Trial.
  • Gralle against Appolinius.
  • A Treatise of Civil po­licy, &c. By Samuel Ruther­ford Professor of Divinity of S t Andrews in Scotland.
  • Politick and Military Observations of Civil and Military Government, containing the Birth, En­crease, Decay of Monar­chies, the carriage of Prin­ces and Magistrates.
  • M r Pinchin his Merito­rious price of mans Re­demption, cleared.
  • Astrology Theologized, shewing what nature and influence the Starres and Planets have over men, and how the same may be di­verted and avoided.
  • Wells his Souls Progress.
  • Christ tempted, the Devils Conquered; Being a plain Exposition on the fourth Chapter of S t Mat­thews Gospel: By John Gumbleden Min. of the Gos.
  • The Saints Society.
  • D. Stoughtons thirteen choice Sermons, with his Body of Divinity.
  • The Reasons of the dis­senting Brethren concern­ing the Presbyterian Go­vernment, together with the answer of the Assembly of Divines.
  • Camdens Remains.
  • The Harmonious Con­sent and Confession of Faith, &c.
  • The Argument and Con­fession of Faith, of all the congregational Churches of England agreed upon at the Savoy, 1659.
  • The Description of the Universal Quadrant, &c. By Tho Stirrup Mathem.
  • The whole Art of draw­ing painting, limning and etching: collected out of the choisest Italian and Germane Authours, by Alex Brown Practitioner.
Large Octavo.
  • A Treatise of the Di­vine Promises: By Edw. Leigh Esq;.
  • Florus Angliens, with the Lively Effigies of all the Kings and Queens, since the conquest, cut in brasse.
  • The Reconciler of the Bible, wherein above two thousand seeming contra­dictions [Page]are fully and plainly Reconciled.
  • Evidences for Heaven, containing Infallible signs, and real demonstrations for Assurance of Salvation, published by Edm. Calamy.
  • The Life and Reign of King Charls, from his Birth to his Death, by Lambert Wood.
  • The Night-search, the second part: by H. Mill.
  • A view of the Jewish Re­ligion, with their Rites, Customs and Ceremonies.
  • Usefull Instructions for these Evil times; held forth in 22. Sermons, by Nich. Lockyer, Provost of Eaton Colledge
  • The Nullity of Church-Censures, or Excommu­nication, not of Divine In­stitution, but a meer hu­mane Invention: Written by the famous Tho. Erastus, and never before English­ed.
Small Octavo.
  • Ed. Waterhouse Esq; His Discourse of Piety and Charity.
  • Panacea, or the Uni­versal Medicine; being a Discourse of the Admira­ble Nature and Virtues of Tobacco: By Dr. Everard and Others.
  • A view and Defence of the Reformation of the Church of England, very usefull in these times.
  • Mr. Pet. du Moulin, his Antidote against Popery; published on purpose to prevent the Delusions of the Priests and Jesuites who are now very busie among us.
  • Herberts Devotions, or a Companion for a Chri­stian, containing Medita­tions and prayers usefull upon all occasions.
  • Extranem Vapulam, or the Observator releved from the violent but vain assault of Haman Lestrange Esq;, and the back-blows of D. Bernard an Irish Dean: by P. Hoylin D.D.
  • Ovid de Pento, in English.
  • The Loves of Clirio and Lozia a Romance.
  • Mr. Knowles, his Rudi­ment of the Hebrew Tongue.
  • [Page]A Book of Scheams or Figures of Heaven, ready set for every four Minutes of times, and very usefull for all Astrologers.
  • Florus Anglicus, or an exact History of England, from the Reign of William the Conquerour to the death of the Late King.
  • Linguae, or the Combate of the Tongue, and five Senses for Superiority: a serious Comedy.
  • The Spirits Touchstone; being a clear discovery how a man may certainly know whether he be truly taught by the Spirit of God, or not.
  • The poor mans Physici­an and Chyrurgion.
  • Physicall Rarities, con­taining the most choice Receipts in Physick and Chyrurgery, for the cure of all Diseases Incident to mans body: By R W lliams. To which is added the physical Mathematicks: By Hermes Tris-Megistus.
  • The Idol of Clowns, or the Relation of Wat Tiler's Rebellion.
  • The Christian Mode­rator, in 3 parts.
  • The Golden Fleece, or a Discourse of the cloath­ing of England.
  • Dr. Sibbs his Divine Meditations.
  • Vigerius Precepts of Idio­tismes.
  • Grotij Poemata.
  • Three Books of M. Mat­thews Minister at Swansey in South-wales.
    • 1 The Messiah Magnifi­ed by the mouthes of Babes in America; or Gains and Gamaliel, a helpfull Father, and his hopeful Son. dis­coursing of the three most considerable points. 1. The great want of Christ. 2 The great worth that is in Christ. 3. The good way that is chalkt out by Christ
    • 2. The New Congre­gationall Church, prov'd to be the old Christian Church, by Scripture, Reason, and History.
    • 3 The Reading Church-member Regularly call'd back to Christ and his Church.
  • A physical Dictionary.
  • An exact History of the several changes of Govern­ment [Page]in England, from the horrid Murther of King Charles the first, to the happy Restauration of King Charles the second, with the Renowned Acti­ons of General Monck, by J. D.
  • Dr. Smith's practice of physick.
  • The Grammar War.
  • Posselius Apothegmes.
  • Fasciculus Florum.
  • Crashaw's Visions.
  • The Juniper Lecture.
  • Helvicus Colloquies.
  • The Christian Souldier, his Combate with the three arch-enemies of man-kind, the world, the flesh, and the devil.
  • Seasonable advice to the Apprentices of the Honou­rable City of London, touching their duty to God, and their Masters.
  • Heinsius de Crepundiis.
  • The History of Russia, or the Government of the Emperour of Muscovia, with the manner and fashions of the people of that Coun­trey.
  • Drexeliu's school of Pa­tience.
  • Drexelius his right In­tention of every ones acti­on
  • A School or Nurture for Children, or the Duty of Children to Parents, very usefull for all that in­tend to bring up their chil­dren in the fear of God.
Viginti Quarto.
  • The New Testament.
  • The third part of the Bible.
  • Sir Richard Bakers Me­ditations and Prayers for every day of the Week.
  • The Ball.
  • Chawbut.
  • Conspiracy.
  • Obstinate Lady.
  • The London Chanticlers: a Comedy foll of various and delightfull Mirth, ne­yer before published.

THere is now made publique Eighteen Books of the Secrets of Art and Nature, being the sum and substance of Na­turall Philosophy. First designed by John Wecker, and now much inlarged by Dr. R. Read; Sould at the Star in St. Pauls Church­yard.

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