The Second Part of the ROYAL OAKE: OR, The Royall Pilgrimage Of His Sacred Majestie KING CHARLES II. Communicating Divers of His Maiesties persecutions, as well amongst His professed Enemies as his pretended Friends, Perjured Servants, and Traiterous Subjects. Wherein the eminent Mercies of Almighty, God are found to be sacredly evident over his Anointed Person, through the desolate walks which He hath made, since the year of Grace 1645, to this present year of His most Joyful Return, 1660. being full Fiftteen years. Together with His Deliverances from some late Plots, practised as well immediatly against his Sacred Person, as at further distances, when opportunity should be offered; Being the Inventions of wicked men, whose Fears had brought them into Despair, which Blessings and Deliverances are marked by Figures in the margent.
LONDON, Printed for G. Horton, living near the three Crowns in Barbican, 1660.
The Royal Pilgrimage.
HErodotus the Historian hath left us a remarkable passage of one Sethon on Aegyptian King, who being forsaken through the basenesse and pusillanimity of his own Souldiers addressed his Devotions to the gods for deliverance, who in answer to his Petition sent an Army of Mice into his enemy Senacribs Host, which did eat the Quivers of the Souldiers, and the Leather which was used about their Shields and Armor; upon which Omen Senacribs Army fled, so giving King Sethon and his people a wonderful deliverance, which caused his Subjects to erect an Image of Stone to the memory of Sethon, with a Mouse in his hand in the Temple of Uulcan, with this Inscription, He that looketh on me let him be Religious. The Story is Heathen, therefore profane, yet had it been fabulous it had borne a morall pertinent to our Sovereigns sufferings.
We must leave the application to the ingenious, and fall upon the sad rehersal of some remarkable persecutions, through which his Sacred Majesty hath passed during the space of 12 years, which number he hath compleated, since the blessed Soul of his glorified Father was translated from this vale of misery, to the hill of eternall happiness.
After the threnitique sorrows, 1 and unmeasurable tears which he had poured forth upon the ever to be lamented Remains of his Royal and most glorious Father, in his own private lamentations, He was not for a long time without daily motives to renew griefs, which found a Channel in every visit to invade his oppressed Spirit; Where was the Comforter, or who came within his drowned sight and did not renew or enlarge the streams of his sorrow? Yea, the very fountains of Natures strength in his Majesty, were so stormed with afflictions, as in youth he became gray-headed, which is the unflattering evidence of a wounded Spirit, which none can bear without the sanctified supportation of a wonderworking God.
Instead of relief or consolation in this storm of sorrows, 2, wherein His Majesty was buryed up, only with the Arms of Angels, he had an opportunity to tast the gratitude of that people where he then lived, whom his Predecessors had redeemed and protected from such punishments as Traitors incur, but in their ballance His weighty cause was found Light, [Page 2]and Holland must now no longer be his Sanctuary, but the reception of his professed Enemies, a Den of Theeves and Murtherers like the Inhabitants, and the Patient King even in the greenness of His Greifs was forced to carry his bleeding heart into another Nation, whose King and Princes might probably endeavour to reverge his wrongs because they held their Veyns dignified by clayming an interest in His highborn blood; 3 But there also He was likewise refreshed in His Mournings: for he found himself censured and despised by the Magnates the proudest Princes on the earth, whilst their most miserable Plebeyans and Pesants adored his Majesty and stiled him, not unjustly the Deliverer, the Redeemer, the Saviour of their Country.
Wearyed with the unnaturall, and unthankful Retorts which his Majesttique merits received from the Kickshaw Court of France, 4 he returned amongst the Dutch Bores, who by this time had handfasted a Treacherous amity with his Majesties Rebellious and Murtherous Subjects, so as there was no more safety for him with them, then if he or his Arcestors had been their mortall enemyes, without whose countenance and assistance, they, even those ungratefull States, had long before been Vagabonds.
The consideration of these things as they could be no less then sad and greivous unto his Majesty: so the formidable sequels were to be timely prevented, for the Wasps and Hornets of his Rebells swarmed in every corner of the Netherlands, so as their seditious infection became to be Epidemique; 5 Therefore his Majesty finding himself under another variation of King Davids streights, he chose rather to hazzard his Royal person upon the hollow hearts of his Scottish Subjects then longer to trust upon the Dutch false Friends; who loved and feared him alike for his Impotency or Power.
For this purpose his undaunted Resolution betook to Scotland, in which Voyage the Tempestuous Sea entertained him with just such Civilities, 6 as his inconstant Friends had done in their Territories, nevertheless it pleased God to bring him safe into Scotland, where his first work was to use his Solomons wisdome to distinguish betwixt the true and false hearts of those his Subjects, whose infidelity he had too lately experimented, and had now no more assurance of their Loyalty then their bare word, yet finding some regret in the multitude, he began to have a better opinion of the Nobility, then many of them deserved, for upon narrower enquiery he was soon satisfied that the Core and Dreggs of Rebellion remained still in the more powerfull of them, but his Majesty was reserved, and these Lords held it policy to comply with [Page 3]him in popular appearance, though otherwise they entertained and welcomed him with a double heart.
His Majesty having taken that his Kingdome and Crown upon him with such Ceremony as that Nation could afford, finding that the Tyrannous Usurper Cromwell did daily get ground upon him, took Councell with his Nobles for a march into England, which accordingly he undertook with a numerous Army, and came in safety to the City of Worcester, where expecting an encrease of Loyall hearts, he was againe Treacherously made accessary to his own ruine; 7 for his Generall Lesly (upon which name the Curse of God is in all likelihood intayled) having been according to his Country faction, beforehand corrupted by Cromwell and his Rumpers, this sacred King was againe betrayed by that damned Lesly, and through his Majesties own Gallantry, he was well nigh surprized by his English Rebells, having a Horse or two slaine under his Royal personage.
There then remained no hopes but withall speed to make an ingenious escape, disguises were now his best Armour, and God who was ever with him in his greatest need, because he had a favour towards him, was pleased to prosper the designes of the few true-hearted Lords which were about his Majesty, so as after many wandrings for the space of about two months, he escaped into France, where he needed no information of that Courts could compassion towards him; 8 But the Wisdome and Providence of God were always with his Majesty, and he received the Court holy water as truly Sanctifyed Consolations, and so endeavoured really to requite them; For the differences fallen between the Prince of Condy and the Cardinall Mazarine, had begotten unattoneable sidings and factions even in the great City of Paris, where the Prince became, so advanced with his Country-men as the Cardinal was debased in their esteem, and the Spanish which were read, to enter the City were diverted by the great prudence of our Soveraign: So as Statues were erected in Honour of his Majesty whom thereon they entitled the Deliverer the Redeemer, and Saviour of France.
Nevertheless they soon exspunged these Obligations, and their own Consanguinityes were as quite forgotten, as if they had not been legitimate, they did not onely hearken to the Enchantments of his Serpentlike Enemyes, but they presently strook up an Amity and League with the Usurper of his Inheritance, the Bloodsucker of his Glorious Father, the Trapparner of his Loyal Subjects, and as soon as the Incendiacy, the Touch and Go of all Devastations had struck fire upon the French Tinder, which immediately embraced the Sparkle, the [Page 4]flames of Christendom, began again to break forth, & Oliver the Demoniack towards his King, and the Elect over his Countrey, whom none but the Devil and he only (by sympathetical resemblance) could endure, was now the only favourite of France, and its Guardian Mazarixe.
Therefore his Sacred Majesty the Job like servant of God must now undergo new persecutions, for beholding with amazement his Cozen King so French like, mutable as neither consanguinity, Faith, nor politique prudence would keep firmer that Prince who calls himself the most Christian King, his Majesty left himself to his new contract with a Reed of Egypt, 10 that perjured Traytor, that pest of his time, the accursed parent, and master of a Vagabond generation, and Fugitive Vassalage Oliver Cromwell, who within the time of very few proceeding years, no man would trust for fix penniworth of victuals, yet this Varlet raised a new storm, and his patient Christ like Majesty must flee to act another Scene of French fortunes Inconstancie, even where himself could find a Reception.
From France, perfideous France, This Son of heaven (not having whereon to rest his head; to whom all sorrows were sanctified) removes into the more constant Climate of Germany, where the Religious Emperior entertained our Soveraign Lord with an upright heart, and a Sacred sence of his unjust persecutions, in imitation of whose piety the inferiour Princes of the Empire grew even into emulation which of them should first enjoy his Majesties Royal presence, 11 but a snake still slept in his innocent bosome for one Manning a miscrerant servant, having received a sop from Satan Oliver, so insinuated into his Dove-like Majesty as he got residency about the Kings Bedchamber, and an unexspected interest in his Privacies, and herein the providence of God, which had ever closely attended his Sacred Protection began to cooperate with his Wisdom, who like a true Son of Solomon miraculously discovered this Serpent of subtility, and Childe of perdition, and in short his Laws, Majesty who was but a so journer and no Soveraign of that Countries found help with the Noble Duke of Newburgh to do him to death, the story is familiarly known.
His Majesty having spent sometime amongst those Cordial Christian Princes, and received magnificent expressions from his Emperial Majesty, he was invited by another branch of that most Christian Austrian Family into Flanders, where the Majesty of Spain added another golden linke to that chain of Piety which all his Christian Ancestors had worn, for some years his Majesty so journed in that Territory, 12 but not without those Serpents which spawned and crawled about his very heart-blood, [Page 5]so as whatsoever his Majesty did, or undertook to do, was conveyed by the unclean Fowls of the Air to Oliver in whom they built their Nests; But the Devils themselves are limited and Oliver departed to his own place.
No sooner had his Son Richard swept the House, but the smaller Devils of Oliver returned, and brought in 7 more wise then themselves, which daily so multiplyed, as by their witchcrafts, England, which was suddainly grown into such serenity, as a cloud was scarce to be seen as big as a mans hand, when in an instant the three Kingdoms were covered over with hideous darkness, and new storms arise; The Devils playd their own parts, and quarrelled within themselves for Supremacy; In which combustion the Loyalty of Sir George Booth gave light to others, and they also became illustrious, and now the remaining Imps at home, Thurloe Satan- Olivers Clark together with his more Diabolique Master, watered and new planted che Gatden for the Snakes, which as yet were hidden in his Majesties Pallace where ever he removed; For the King hearing that his Loyal Subjects about Cheshire and Wales, began to List, and embody for his Restauration, like a true-Christian Prince, thought himself bound to assist,, at least with his Royal presence, those valiant and loyal undertakers of His Cause. And therefore employs one whom he had at all turns, both in giving and forgiving, obliged to his most trusty service, but the Angels themselves fell, and the Wall of his Servants fidelity was built of mud, and tempered with corruption; for his Majesties enemies (made so by the unjust possession of his own proper Revenues) soon found the pulse of this his- Judus like servants and they gave him mony, who wanted not that but a sincere conscience, and being by his Majesty entrusted to guide him to a safe Landing, whereby his Majesty might with his Royal presence encourage and strengthen the willing hands of his Loyal Subjects, 13 was by his said subtile Agent directed into a pit of destruction, in so much as his Majesty did without suspition of any danger ut three times to Sea, intending to Land in his County of Kent, where this Villain had purposely directed him to meet his certain ruine whom God ever Guard.
But the all provident eye and hand of God defended his Sacred Majesty, and now the God of all goodness who has tryed his Majesties Faith and constancy to Religion and moral Vertue, as once be did Abrahams, finding a perfect heaat o dwell in the breast of that Peerless Subject General George Monk so sanctified his sword, yea his word as without blow or bloodshed he made the steely affections of the South incline and fly to that magnetique Attractive of the North, and so soon [Page 6]and strongly unanimous their bodies united, as it was no more in the power of man nor of the Devil to seperate the conjunction.
Nevertheless, as contagious diseases once subdued, do yet leave peccant humours which wander and break out, yea and sometimes infect also, so it stands after this learned cure without cutting, for divers malitious and Phanatique spirits floating amongst the Vulgar like the spernie and spawne of corrupt and venemous creatures upon the waters, have cast of frothy, and filthy, and filthy Language both against this clarified General, and his Sacred Majesty riches in such a servant then in all the earths wealth, but they are happily gotten yet no higher, then words; which though they be but wind are dangerous and punishable, yet some desperado's have gone higher; For a Phanatick having clothed and mounted himself as rich and stately as any of the Noble Attendants which are joyfully gone to conduct up his Sacred Majesty to his Loyal people whose Bowels yern for the fruition of him, this resolute Villain was discovered, surprized examined and searched, about whom were found five Pistolls each charged and laiden with a brace of Bullets the intention of the Rogue having been to assassinate his blessed Majesty, or his faith tryed General, or both, but the furious and malitious mad Dog is chained up in Newgate, and shall shortly be used up at Tyburn where a dead dog bytes not.
16 There is yet a great deliverance unrelated, for God having touched the heart of our Mr. Moreland formerly an Agent for the usurping Tyrant, and one whom his close services held in great esteem with Oliver, having also been sometimes trusted with the List or Chain of Olivers Vermine about the King, did lately repair to his Majesty, before whom, after he had unfainedly demonstrated his humiliation, he drew forth the names of such Vipers and Serpents, as had in these twelve years lived by sucking at his Royal heart blood, of whom it is said their were above 40 to whom his own and Thurloe's hand had from time to time paid Pensions, who are now like to get the surer wages and rewards for their Judas like services.
17 We have it also for certain, that some Seamen had conbined to blow up the Royal Ship in which his Sacred Majesty was to be transported, but the conspiracy being timely discovered, the wretched Villains are said to be secured, and speedily to be hanged and quartered. So perish all the enemies of my Lord the King, whilst upon himself his Crown flourish Amen.