Viro vere pietatis, integritatis, & prudentiae Dotibus praecellentissimo, magno seculi Splendori, maximoque Legum munimento, MATTHAEO HAYLESIO, Dom. Primario Judici Communium Placitorum, &c. Viris (que) cunctis eruditionis & meritorum dignitatibus accumulatissimis, Dom. EDOARDO HEYWOODIO, Dom. ROƲLANDIO JƲKESIO seniori, Dom. JO ANNI VAƲGHANIO de Troscot: Tribus Jurisconsultis & Sociis Interioris Templi; nec non quatuor omnibus EXECUTORIBUS defuncti JOANNIS SELDENI G.D. hoc humillimè devovet EPITAPHIUM.
SIstite Lectores, properantes sistite Gressus;
SELDENI lachrymis Busta rigate novis.
SELDENUS! sine fine suis memorandus amicis;
Pauperis hospitium,
divitibúsque Comes:
SELDENUS! passim literarum maximus Atlas;
SELDENUS! Britici magnus
Apollo Poli.
Vetustatum Delphos venerabilis; Ille!
Linguarum Dominus,
Judiciique Pater;
Ille! volumineus
librorum Gurges, & Ingens
Jurorum; geminae
Summáque tota Togae.
Tridentiferi qui clausit Regna Tyranni,
Et Briticas itidem clave reclusit aquas.
Ille dies! nostrique Jubar mir abile secli!
dolor Patriae,
deliciaeque suae
Clauditur hoc tumulo; Cui vix
Europa sepulchrum
Sufficit, aut tantas continet
orbis opes:
Qui cecidit Terris, cum celso ut
Sole resurgens
Fulgeat ętheriae
Stella corusca plagae.
G. D.
STay Readers, stay! a little while to steep
Your souls in sorrows, & ore SELDEN weep.
SELDEN! to be remembred without end;
Poormans comfort, & the
Richmans friend;
SELDEN! great Learnings
Atlas, far and neare;
Apollo of our British sphere;
Grand Oracle of
Antiquity! th'Immense
Master of
Language, and profounder
Gulf of unfathom'd
Reading, total
Of all our
Laws, both extant, or to come; (keys
Who curb'd great
Neptunes Trident, and with
Law, both lockt up, and unlockt the Seas;
Luminary of this Age; great
Britains chief
Mirror; being late her Glory, now her Grief
Lies crowded in this narrow
Vault; to whom
Europe, nor scarce the
World could be a Tomb:
Stellified above, hath left us here
Below, being
set with
Sol, to
rise more clear.
G. D.
LONDON, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, near Bainards-Castle in Thames-street. 1654.