A DAMNABLE TREASON, By a Contagious Plaster of a PLAGUE-SORE: Wrapt up in a Letter, and sent to Mr. PYM: Wherein is di­covered a Divellish, and Unchristian Plot against the High Court of PARLIAMENT, October 25. 1641.

The true Ef­fige of M. I. Pym, Esqu. Burgesse in he High Court of Parliament for Tavistock in Devonshire.
Reade in this Image him, whose deerest Blood
Is thought no price, to buy his Countries good,
VVhose name shall flourish, till the blast of Fame
Shall want a Trumpet, or true worth, a Name.

Printed for W. B. Anno Dom. 1641.

[(?)depiction of John Pym, English Parliamentarian (1584-1643)]

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