To the Supream Authority of this NATION, the PARLIAMENT of the
Common-wealth of
The Humble Petition of CHARLES
Earle of Derby.
THat by Conveyances heretofore made in the life of your Petitioners Grandfather, William Earle of Derby, all his Mannors and lands in the Counties of Lancaster, Chester, Flint, Yorkshire, Westmerland and Cumberland, and in divers other places in England and Wales, and the Isle of Man, were limited to James late Earle of Derby, your Petitioners Father, for his life only, with remainder to the first Son of the said James, (which is your Petitioner,) and the Heires males of his body, with other remainder over.
That the Estate of the said James Earle of Derby, being according to the late Act of the 16. of Iuly last, appointed to be sold, your Petitioner hath preferred his Petition to the Committee by that Act appointed, & therein set forth his title to the premisses. But most of the Deeds concerning the said Estate were imbezeled or burnt upon the taking of Latham-house, in one part whereof the Evidences belonging to his Family were usually kept, and if any do remain, they are now in the Isle of Man, so that your Petitioner cannot produce them timely enough, to have allowance of his Estate according to the saving of that Act, and the Order for further time.
He further sheweth, that there was a Composition formerly set in Goldsmiths-Hall, for the said Estate for his Fathers former Delinquency, and humbly hopes his death will be accepted as an expiation for his later Delinquency.
Your Petitioner therefore, (who never acted or consented to any thing prejudicial to the Parliament or Common-wealth of England, nor ever will act, or consent to act any thing prejudicial to the same,) most humbly casts himself upon your clemency, and humbly prays that you would be pleased to admit your Petitioner to have the said Estate upon such Composition as you shall in clemency and compassion to him thinkfit. And to appoint and direct a stay of the sale of the said Estate, or any further proceedings therein, until you shall be pleased further to determine therein.
And your Petitioner (as in duty bound) shall pray.